By MPHO MAGIDI Being a girl child is one of the most difficult things you could possibly be in the South Africa we live in. Being a girl child in a small town filled with different faces every year is a different story. Today we take a look into the life of a Makhanda native, Zandile Jilana. Growing up in a university town such as this means you meet a lot of people older than you who either guide you or lead you astray. On top of that, the people in your community and your family influence the type of…
Author: Linda Pona
By JADE RHODE Jamie-Lee Anthony is an Honours student in the Drama department, having spent four years at the purple institution. When we meet in person for the first time, I am greeted with a hug. I am slightly taken aback by this sincere and unexpected action but the warmth of her embrace is transferable and assures me that this interview will go smoothly. Once Anthony sits down, I am immediately drawn to her eye makeup, a form of self-expression that was once a hobby. The shimmer of the gold eyeshadow on the inner corners of her eyes matches the…
By ALYSSA HARRISON The moment I sat down with Asakhe Cuntsulana, I felt immediately at ease. He showed me to the auditorium at St. Andrew’s College, the school where he teaches voice, marimba, and choir and, as we spoke, his passion and enthusiasm for music shone through. Cuntsulana grew up in the Eastern Cape, in a small village called Qwaninga. He started singing in 2002, in primary school, and joined the senior choir in 2006. In grade nine, he had to decide whether to continue with music or commerce. He had been set to study mathematics, accounting, physics and life…
The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) wishes to notify travellers that surface seal works will be carried out on Sunday, 30 October 2022, on the N2 from Makhanda to Fish River Pass Section 13 from route marker KM – 78.7 at Coombs to route marker KM- 92.6 at Fraser’s Camp. The surface seal works will take place where there are currently stop-go controls between Coombs turnoff at KM – 79.5 to KM- 85 and at KM- 88.5 to KM- 92 at Frasers Camp where works are being carried out on one-half of the road. Motorists travelling westwards…
By ROSS MARRINER A few decades ago, having medical aid cover meant that virtually all medical costs were paid by yourmedical aid. The expenses included the cost of medication; time spent in the hospital; and consultations with doctors, dentists, and other medical practitioners. Due to the deterioration of the public health sector, most medical aid members now choose to use the services of private hospitals and practitioners. These services are usually considerably more expensive compared to those provided by the state which means that medical aids cannot afford to provide the same level of cover as before. Most open medical…
By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan What is a vegan diet? This is a diet that is based on plants, such as legumes, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and grains. It requires the person to avoid all animal products. Vegans are slightly stricter than plant-based eaters in that they do not just avoid animal products while eating, but also with their clothing, washing products, makeup products etc. Some misconceptions about veganism: Vegans don’t get enough proteinHoney is veganPlants have feelingsSoy creates infertilityVegans are malnourishedBeing vegan means that you are immediately healthyVeganism is expensiveOnly vegans need supplements like vitamin…
A big shout-out to MEW for these listings. THURSDAY 13 OCTOBER U3A Poetry Reading: WW1 poems Read by Anne Irwin and Malcolm Hacksley @ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street 10:00 – 11:00 All welcome Cover R5 Grahamstown Bridge Club @ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street 13:15 for 13:30 All welcome Sheila Hicks: 0834423322 R15 non-members/ R10 members Acoustic Café Etienne Noir (emotive storytelling through music) African Melodic Remedies (traditional African instruments and excellent vocals) Winternag (featuring Eugene Marais’ poem, Winternag and an updated Twilite Blues. Covers and originals @ The Vic, 8 New Street 18:30 R20/ Concessions R15 Stand Up Comedy @…
By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan Most of us would love to get a massage on any given day. Then there are sports massages. Although anyone can get a sports massage, it is mainly aimed at athletes or those who play sports. The definition of a sports massage is ‘the treatment of muscle pain using a deep tissue massage for athletes’. What are the benefits of sports massage for injury recovery, relaxation, and aiding in relief from arthritis and other medical conditions? The benefits of sports massages: Increased range of motion;relaxation;stress relief;helps to rehabilitate injuries;increased…
By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan We all struggle with that daily dose of anxiety, especially with the year coming to an end. This can make us feel overwhelmed and can cause us to use unhealthy coping mechanisms. For example, some people use substances such as alcohol, oversleep, have social withdrawal, binge-watch movies or series, overspend, and over or under-eat. It is therefore vital that we have a stress management tool in our toolbox that we can bring out when we are feeling overwhelmed. Before we engage with the toolkit, it is also important to…
ngu CHRIS TOTOBELA Bekuqhawuka unobathana kule mpela veki sisuka kuyo kwikhaya lebhola lalapha eMakhanda iJD Dlepu. Bekuvana amandla amaqela alapha ekhaya adlala kuzo zozibini izigaba zaseMakana LFA. Bekucaca ukuba kudibene ebezikade zizondana kuletumente yokubhiyozela inyanga yamagugu. Akhiqene lama qela ngoMgqibelo kwashiyeka asibhozo kuphela ngeCawe. Kwimidlalo yangeCawe iMaru Academy ibethe iJoza Callies ngamanqaku amathathu kwelinye logama iLalibela Lions ibethe iYoung Eagles kwiipenaliti emva kokubambana ngamanqaku amabini macala yaze yona iMakana Tigers yabetha iJacaranda Aces kwiipenaliti. Kushiyeke imidlalo emibini kuphela kulamaqela asibhozo nethe ayakwazi ukuqhubekeka. ISophia Stars izakudibana ne Vukani Anchors logama yona iCameroon izakudlala neDyunivesithi yaseRhodes. Kulindeleke ukuba iqukunjelwe letumente kule…