Bekuqhawuka unobathana kule mpela veki sisuka kuyo kwikhaya lebhola lalapha eMakhanda iJD Dlepu.
Bekuvana amandla amaqela alapha ekhaya adlala kuzo zozibini izigaba zaseMakana LFA. Bekucaca ukuba kudibene ebezikade zizondana kuletumente yokubhiyozela inyanga yamagugu.
Akhiqene lama qela ngoMgqibelo kwashiyeka asibhozo kuphela ngeCawe. Kwimidlalo yangeCawe iMaru Academy ibethe iJoza Callies ngamanqaku amathathu kwelinye logama iLalibela Lions ibethe iYoung Eagles kwiipenaliti emva kokubambana ngamanqaku amabini macala yaze yona iMakana Tigers yabetha iJacaranda Aces kwiipenaliti.
Kushiyeke imidlalo emibini kuphela kulamaqela asibhozo nethe ayakwazi ukuqhubekeka. ISophia Stars izakudibana ne Vukani Anchors logama yona iCameroon izakudlala neDyunivesithi yaseRhodes.
Kulindeleke ukuba iqukunjelwe letumente kule mpelaveki ngosuku lwenkcubeko.

LFA tournament to celebrate heritage month
It was an action-packed weekend at the home of local football JD Dlepu stadium, where local sides from both Makana LFA divisions took on each other in a heritage tournament.
The tournament is played to celebrate heritage month. On Saturday, teams knocked each other out and were only left with eight teams for Sunday.
Sunday games saw Maru Academy defeating Joza Callies 3 points to 1 while Lalibela Lions beat Young Eagles in the penalty stage of the match after a 2-all draw. Makana Tigers defeated Jacaranda Aces in the penalty kicks. The other two quarter-final games will be played this week, with Sophia Stars taking on Vukani Anchors and Cameroon taking on Rhodes University.
The tournament will conclude this weekend.