Saturday, September 28

By Chris Totobela

On Sunday, the controversial Makana LFA premier division’s stream B log leaders Sophia Stars and Rhodes University locked horns in a decider.

As it has always been the case since football returned to JD Dlepu Stadium, football lovers came in numbers to witness this historic game. Makana LFA executive committee ordered both teams to play in a decider after what happened recently, leading to both of their games being stopped before conclusion. Both teams were fined and ordered to pay their fines before taking part in the decider.

The game started at a blistering pace, as was expected, with both teams trying to dictate terms in the middle of the park. Sophia Stars got the better of the early exchanges in midfield and ran rings around Rhodes’ defence.

Sophia Star’s goalkeeper Alizwa Budaza comes out to clear the ball in their clash against Rhodes University on Saturday. Photo: Chris Totobela

In the 17th minute, Olwethu Songelwa opened the scoring for Sophia after finishing a move that he orchestrated in the middle of the park and dazzled Rhodes’ defence before firing home a ground shot to the far post.

In the 20th minute Sophia Stars doubled their lead after Rhodes’ defence was caught napping with quick inter-passing that found Asonge Phongolo unmarked wide on the left wing. He cut inside before unleashing a powerful grasscutter that left the keeper for dead.

Rattled by the two quick goals, Rhodes University tried to fight their way back into the game and created chances of their own and came very close on numerous occasions, but Lady Luck deserted them. Sophia took their two-goal advantage to the halftime break.

In the second half, Rhodes made a few substitutions and immediately made an impact as they took the game to Sophia Stars and put them under pressure, forcing them deep into their half. It was no surprise when they pulled one back to reduce the deficit in the 57th minute. It was end-to-end type of football as both teams threw everything at each other, with Rhodes searching for an equaliser while Sophia wanted to extend their lead.

Asonge Phongolo streched Sophia’s lead with a well taken header from a set piece in the 61st minute. In the 75th minute Rhodes’s goalkeeper made a brilliant save from a spot kick after Asonge Phongolo was fouled in the box. Phongolo was at it again three minutes later, heading home unmarked from a corner kick to take the wind out of Rhodes’ sails with a fourth goal. The final nail in Rhodes’s coffin was hit by Lithango Mankayi with a powerful  86th minute header that once again caught RU’s defence napping after a good pin point cross from the right.

It was all Sophia towards the end of the game, entertaining the crowd with some Kasi style football. The final whistle sounded and Sophia won the game 5-1.

Football-loving fans packed the JD Dlepu Stadium in Joza to watch their favourite teams. Photo: Chris Totobela

Sophia’s director of football, Thulani Msipha, was pleased with his charges’ performance. “We came to this game with a good plan and we knew what Rhodes was going to offer. I was just disappointed with our leaders as we were forced to pay a fine within 48 hours, failing which we would have been disqualified, that is shocking. We were also told via correspondence that Rhodes were also found guilty but it was not stated what they were found guilty of.

“Secondly I asked the officials to do verification before the game and that was denied and the reason given to us was that the whole season was played without verification.”

Msipha also commented on the upcoming clash against stream A winners XI Attackers. “I think it is going to be a difficult game that will need very strong, good and brave officiating. Attackers is a good team and we will plan for them.”

XI Attackers head coach Thanduxolo Faxi confirmed his boys’  readiness for this big game. “We are ready for this game and my boys are ready to fight for the team. We don’t want to enter into football politics but we don’t know how the case between those four clubs was concluded and if the rules were followed or not but that shows the kind of leadership we have in our LFA. I have never heard of a league that allows teams to play three rounds of football matches, only here in Makhanda.”

Speaking to GM in response to the teams’ concerns, Makana LFA chairman Afika Adam said: “After considering everything that was brought before us, we decided to call all the teams concerned to our disciplinary hearing and we also took the decision to allow these two teams to play a decider so as to avoid the repeat of what had happened previously. This was not a third round league match between these two teams but we did it to save time and as much as strange things happened on that day, we did not have enough time to investigate and prove it beyond reasonable doubt that the two teams were guilty of match fixing, which is why we opted for the decider.

“What happened was very unfortunate for our local football and something that was never seen before in Makhanda but we had to come up with a quick and workable solution as we have deadlines to meet for our own play-offs and for submitting the name of our league winner to the region for the Hollywood Bets regional league.

“Lastly on the issue of verification, the referee’s convener explained to me that it was not going to serve any justice for him to allow players verification just for the decider while the whole season was played without any verification.” Adam went on to wish both XI Attackers and Sophia stars  good luck for their crucial  and important game of the season.

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