By Luvuyo Mjekula
A Makhanda senior citizen celebrated his 97th birthday in official style on Wednesday with Makana Municipality councillors at a special council meeting.
Before councillors drilled down into serious council business, mayor Yandiswa Vara welcomed special guest – Mntukanti July Sidina to the meeting, which coincided with his big day. He was accompanied by his family and church leaders.
Introducing the elderly resident, Vara said he had never set foot in a municipal council meeting, in all of his near century-long life. He certainly achieved the milestone on Wednesday.

Vara lauded Sidina’s courage despite his old age. Flanked by his wife, daughter and other family members, as well as Old Apostolic Church leaders, the feisty senior citizen had no trouble climbing the curved staircase leading to the council chamber.
Inside the chamber, he received a standing ovation and councillors sang for him.
Vara told the council meeting that the decision to celebrate Sidina’s birthday had been made during a session the mayor and her mayoral committee had with the church in Extension 9 on Sunday, 24 March. The church had invited the mayor and her team to discuss and receive updates on service delivery-related issues.
At the session, a commitment was made to celebrate Sidina’s birthday by giving him a tour of the municipal council, which was facilitated through council Speaker Mabhuti Matyumza.
“It’s a huge milestone to have a senior citizen who is still strong,” said Vara.
Leader of the church, umveleli Mthuthuzeli Beja, said he was pleased with the response from the mayor and her mayoral committee to their invitation to discuss service delivery.
A beaming Sidina and his delegation were later treated to cake, tea and snacks.