By GEOFF EMBLING, Ward 4 Democratic Alliance councillor
“Grahamstown has old infrastructure” is the standard excuse at council and portfolio meetings.
London and other European cities have infrastructure many times as old as Grahamstown’s. The difference is that municipalities there use ratepayers’ money to upgrade the infrastructure on an ongoing basis.
Thirty years ago, one never thought about ‘potholes’. Grahamstown had good roads, working streetlights and drains, and water was available 24/7.
The infrastructure held out for 15-20 years with little maintenance, then it started deteriorating at an increasing rate. Now it is collapsing. The municipal rates and taxes, intended for upgrading, primarily went towards municipal wages to ensure political strength in the municipality. Prioritizing political strength above service delivery is still the case in Makana, but it must change soon.
The phrase “old infrastructure” is a half-truth and should always be followed by “old infrastructure, not upgraded due to political interference”.
Amandla ezopolitiko abekwe phambili kunikezelo lweenkonzo
Ngu GEOFF EMBLING, uceba we Democratic Alliance kwiwadi ye-4
“IMakhanda ineziseko zophuhliso ezindala” sisingxengxezo esiqhelekileyo kwiintlanganiso zebhunga neepotfoliyo.
I-London kunye nezinye izixeko eYurophu zineziseko zophuhliso ezindala ukodlula iMakhanda kodwa umehluko kukuba oomasipala balamazwe basebenzisa imali yabarhafi ukuze baphucule izixeko zabo ngesiseko esiqhubekayo.
Kwiminyaka engamashumi amathathu eyadlulayo umntu akazange acinge “ngemingxuma”. IRhini yayineendlela ezilungileyo, izibane zasezitalatweni ezisebenzayo kunye needreyini, kwaye amanzi ayefumaneka rhoqo.
Iziseko ezingundoqo zigcinwe iminyaka eyi-15 ukuya kwengama-20 zidinga ukugcinwa ngokulungiswa kancinci, kwaye emva koko zaqala ukuwohloka ngesantya esonyukayo. Ngoku iyadilika. Uninzi lweentlawulo zakamasipala kunye neerhafu ezijoliswe ekuphuculweni iziseko ezindala zihlawulele imivuzo yabantu abaphangelela umaspala ukuqinisekisa ukomelela kwezopolitiko kwelicandelo. Ingxalabo ephambili eMakana kukubambana kwabezopolitiko ngaphuzulu konikezelo lwenkonzo kubahali, nto leyo kufuneka itshintshe kungekudala.
Ibinzana elithi “iziseko ezingundoqo ezidala” liyinyani engaphelelanga kwaye kufuneka lihlale lilandelwa ngelithi “iziseko ezidala, ezingaphuculwanga ngenxa yokuphazamiso lwezepolitiko”.