Abakhuseli Skills for Life Project is a Makhanda-based initiative developed with local car guards, working towards empowerment, integration and dignity for each member.
This is a grassroots project born out of the hard lockdown of March 2020. Overnight, Makhanda’s car guards’ work disappeared when they were ordered to stay out of town. During this time, the Makhanda Circle of Unity distributed regular grocery parcels and Skills for Life pamphlets to these community members.
In November 2020, these members met as a group, and the first Abakhuseli meeting was held. At the meeting, the group chose the name Abakhuseli, meaning The Protectors.
This group of entrepreneurs is impressive and delightful for their lively and open-hearted offers of assistance, positive attitude, and total dedication to their chosen profession and self-development. This project was initiated to consolidate and build on the fertile soil of these attributes.
The Abakhuseli Project belongs to the members. Together, we participate in Skills for Life training. We encourage, respect, and appreciate each other. Together, we discuss and face down attitudes of bias, fear, disrespect, and intolerance. As part of taking responsibility for these circumstances, we consider customer care, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, crime, poverty, and self-development.
The Abakhuseli Project is working towards integrating members into the broader community of Makhanda as unique and valued participants in the life of our town.
Our plans for 2022 are to formalise into a not-for-profit organisation to raise funds for relevant skills and career development opportunities according to the members’ needs.
We hope the foundations of this project will bear fruit as it develops into a vibrant empowerment project open to all citizens of Makhanda.
This Saturday, the 14th of May, we will honour and celebrate the members and the progress of the project. We invite you to come and learn more about us as we commemorate the official launch of our project.
As members of the local society, we would value your attendance at this event. We will introduce ourselves to Makhanda and become visible by distributing our new uniforms to qualifying members. Abakhuseli members qualify for a nametag after attending three meetings and a unique uniform after five. Our members are valued for their hard work and dedication to their profession, selves and the community. Together, we stand for the peace and protection of Makhanda.
The event is open to all! If you can attend, please RSVP at
Date: 14 May 2022
Time: 12:00- 14:00
Venue: 37-on-New, 37 New Street, Makhanda