A Grahamstown schoolgirl struggled for about four kilometres across the veld after being raped, stabbed and left for dead, before collapsing and dying about two kilometres away from her home.
A Grahamstown schoolgirl struggled for about four kilometres across the veld after being raped, stabbed and left for dead, before collapsing and dying about two kilometres away from her home.
Adding to her family's heartbreak is a video circulating on social media of their child dancing at a local drinking spot. The video was taken on Friday 11 September, the day after Pozisa Mthetho turned 17.
It was three days later that her body was found on the outskirts of Extension 9. Her uncle, Sigqibo Maloni, said the Grade 8 pupil had disappeared from home in Joza on Thursday 10 September.
He added that, a week before, she had spent time away from her home visiting her boyfriend. They assumed that she had visited her boyfriend again. For that reason the family was not particular concerned that she didn't return home as she had slept out the previous weekend.
"We started getting more concerned on Sunday and started looking around," Maloni said, speaking on behalf of the family. Then people said they'd seen her in Las Vegas tavern in Extension 8 on Friday night. "We went and asked the tavern owner and he confirmed she was there on that night.
"On Sunday we went to the police station and reported the matter. Police told us they had found the body of a teenage girl near Extension 9. "They described her looks and what clothes she was wearing. We realised it must be her because everything matched," said Maloni.
On Monday the family returned to the police station to identify her body. Pozisa had two wounds – one on her forehead and the other on the back of her ear, Maloni said. A trail of blood led from where Pozisa was found to a place in the veld near Mayfield where she was attacked.
"They took her to the veld in Mayfield and raped and beat her. "They left her there, maybe thinking she was dead, but she got up after they left and walked to Extension 9." She was bleeding profusely.
"That was where she apparently lost her strength and died," said Maloni. Making things even worse for the family is the fact that a video of Pozisa dancing at the tavern that Friday night was circulating on social media. Staff and pupils at Archie Mbolekwa School were distraught when they heard of Pozisa's murder.
"She was a very smart pupil who was dedicated to her school work. We were very shocked on hearing the news," said teacher Thembakazi Kepe Gumenge. "Pozisa passed all the past three terms and that shows what kind of a pupil she was. Her death is a great loss to us all."
Staff at the school clubbed together to buy groceries, so the family could cater for her funeral this weekend. Pozisa will be buried tomorrow (Saturday 26 September) and the service will be at Nombulelo Secondary School Hall at 10am.
Police spokesperson Captain Mali Govender could not be reached for a comment by the time of going to print.