Mandela Day – 18 July – is approaching fast. It's the day – now internationally recognised – where people all over South Africa and the world – are asked to give 67 minutes of their time (one minute for each of the years of his life Nelson Mandela devoted to the struggle) helping their communities.
Mandela Day – 18 July – is approaching fast. It's the day – now internationally recognised – where people all over South Africa and the world – are asked to give 67 minutes of their time (one minute for each of the years of his life Nelson Mandela devoted to the struggle) helping their communities.
From 27 to 31 July, Rhodes University takes the idea a step further with Trading Live for Mandela Day.
This project provides staff, students at Rhodes and community partners working with the University's Community Engagement office with an opportunity ”to take action to help change the world for the better, and in doing so build a global movement for good”.
In 2012, over 40 student organisations, departments and community organisations participated in the institutional community engagement initiative.
In 2013, 96 events took place. In 2014, Rhodes partnered with the Nelson Mandela Foundation, focusing on the following areas for service: Food security, Literacy Infrastructure and Shelter, Youth leadership/ Business development, Care, Holistic Wellness and Health, Arts and Information Technology, Early Childhood education, High School Education.
In 2015, beginning on 27 July continuing to 31 July, groups will trade their skills, talents and services with one another.
With Trading Live, members of the Grahamstown community donate a minimum of 67 minutes of their time in July to building new relationships of reciprocity, in the aims of reshaping and building the community in Grahamstown.
Trading Live teams/groups working on the eight focus areas will lend their energies to contributing to community building objectives identified by fellow citizens.
The events allow for the widening of networks of connections based on community solidarity as the slogan of the event, Masibambisane Siluluntu Lwase Makana.
With offers and requests coming from participants from all around Grahamstown, the week of events aims to show the diverse and rich pool of assets, knowledge and skills available in Grahamstown.
With more than 80 events taking place from 27-31 July, Rhodes Community Engagement has invited all members of the Grahamstown community to join in the activities.
Director Di Hornby said, "As we remember and continue the legacy of Nelson Mandela, we recommit ourselves to the pursuit and realisation of a more just and equitable society.
"Through these events, we hope to ignite new connections that can build long term relationships founded on solidarity, reciprocity, mutuality and respect between various communities of Grahamstown.
"Contemporary South Africa is complex society, divided along a myriad of class, gender, cultural and economic structures.
There are no quick fixes to social transformation and reshaping our community; however, Trading Live is one small way in which all residents of Grahamstown can play a vital role by participating in community support interventions.
"By volunteering time, skills and creative energy, participants can make a contribution towards reshaping diverse spaces in our community," Hornby said.
If you would like to participate in Trading Live and are not a part of a team, visit or email Nosipho Mngomezulu at
All Trades will take place between 27 and 31 July, 8am-5pm.
"We encourage all participants to make every day a Mandela Day and support community based organisations working tirelessly to improve the lives, opportunities and capabilities of residents in Grahamstown," Hornby said.
In August Rhodes Community Engagement will host the Trading Live exhibition, to celebrate the work undertaken during Trading Live.
The exhibition showcases videos, radio interviews, photographs, designs and articles produced by Third-year Journalism students in the Rhodes School of Journalism and Media Studies.
This year, the exhibition opening will be hosted in Rhodes University's Eden Grove Foyer on 17 August from 4pm to 6pm.
The exhibition will run from 17-22 August and Rhodes has invited residents of Grahamstown to come and see the works.