By Staff Reporter
The 2024 St Andrew’s College matrics who wrote the IEB National Senior Certificate examinations achieved a 100% pass rate, with 98% of the 82 boys achieving a Bachelor’s Degree (BD) pass and all of them qualifying for further study after school.

The Dux Scholar was Murray Wilson, from Cape Town, who achieved an 89% aggregate, and eight distinctions in Accounting, Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, Geography, Life Orientation, Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Further Studies Mathematics: Calculus & Algebra.
Two further St Andrew’s College boys also achieved eight distinctions:

Andy Holmes, from Johannesburg, achieved an 89% aggregate, with distinctions in Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, Geography, History, Life Orientation, Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Further Studies Mathematics: Calculus & Algebra.

Alex Hutton, also from Johannesburg, achieved an aggregate of 87%, with distinctions in Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, Geography, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Marine Sciences, Mathematics and Further Studies English.

Ethan van der Merwe, from Makhanda, achieved seven distinctions and an 88% aggregate, with distinctions in Accounting, English Home Language, Information Technology, Life Orientation, Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Further Studies Mathematics: Calculus & Algebra.
Six distinctions were achieved by three St Andrew’s College boys:
Julius Rocher, from Makhanda, achieved an 88% aggregate, with distinctions in Accounting, Afrikaans First Additional Language, Information Technology, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Aiden Wood, from Cape Town, achieved an 86% aggregate, with distinctions in Dramatic Arts, English Home Language, History, Life Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

The 2024 Head Boy, Tom Clucas, from Johannesburg, achieved an 82% aggregate, with distinctions in English Home Language, History, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Three College boys achieved five distinctions:
Laurie Apps (Kenton-on-Sea) in Business Studies, English Home Language, Geography, History and Life Orientation, with an aggregate of 83%.

Ayena Gwarube (East London), in English Home Language, History, isiXhosa First Additional Language, Life Orientation and Mathematics, with an aggregate of 82%.

Hlumani Thomas (Johannesburg) in Business Studies, English Home Language, History, Life Orientation and Further Studies English, with an aggregate of 77%.

Achieving four distinctions were Joe Wostenholm from Johannesburg (English Home Language, History, Life Orientation and Mathematics), Chukwu Ekpebegh from Mthatha (Accounting, Life Orientation, Life Sciences and Mathematics), and Roland Turvey from Johannesburg (Geography, History, Life Orientation and Mathematics).

In addition, the following four St Andrew’s College boys are to be congratulated on being placed in the top 1% nationally in their subjects: Alex Hutton (Geography and Marine Sciences) Andy Holmes (Geography) Dominic Cloete (Mathematical Literacy) Henri Findt (Mathematical Literacy)

Warm congratulations too to our sisters at the DSG, who learn and study with the College boys as part of our coordinate model, on their excellent results. These wonderful results are testament to the extraordinary efforts of all the boys and girls of College and the DSG and the exceptional work and dedication of the staffs of both schools.
Congratulations to the whole class of 2024!
Message from the headmaster
Our St Andrew’s College Class of 2024 set out to improve the academic focus of the school. Head of School, Tom Clucas, and Second Head of School, Murray Wilson, ably supported by the Senior Prefect group, were innovative and effective in making academics ‘cool’ at College.
From the Academic Honours Blazer introduced at the beginning of 2024 to the House Academic Improvement Awards, they aimed to change the mindsets of our boys, focusing on establishing good work habits and recognising achievement at all levels. In all of this the boys were also modelling the kind of attitudes that we wished to see in all year groups.
Supported and encouraged by our staff, the fruits of the efforts of our Class of 2024 were evident throughout the 2024 Academic Year and we had been expecting a solid set of IEB and Cambridge A-Level results. Our Class of 2024 did not disappoint. In fact, we are delighted with the quality of the results achieved at all levels.
There are excellent results at the top end, all of our boys managed to pass with room to spare and the proportion of boys achieving university entrance qualifications is exceptionally high. There are several members of our Class of 2024 who have improved beyond all recognition from the start of their St Andrew’s College journeys to their conclusion.
We are exceptionally happy with the results achieved. These qualifications provide an excellent platform for study in South Africa and anywhere else in the world, and as a non-selective school we believe we provide a subject range that allows every boy to flourish. These results are a reflection of the remarkable efforts and commitment of our boys, the majority of whom also made extraordinary contributions to our broad and diverse range of holistic school activities. Our thanks to the staff at both College and DSG for all their efforts to help our boys achieve these results and well done to our class of 2024.
We thank the Men of our Class of 2024 for their leadership and inspiration, and we wish them every blessing for the future.