By Staff Reporter

Water remained closed to the entire Makhanda West on Wednesday morning due to repairs to a burst pipe in Queen Street and problems in the Waainek scheme, the Makana Municipality said in a notice to residents late on Tuesday night.

“Even though there is some improvement in the supply of water, the Waainek Scheme on the Western side is still struggling to recharge and stabilise the water supply, which is resulting in some areas on the Western side not receiving water. This is also exacerbated by the burst pipe at Queen Street.”

The burst pipe would be repaired early on Wednesday morning, and therefore, water would not be opened until the burst pipe was repaired, the municipality said in the notice titled ‘Water supply interruption’.

Makana also announced that, to expedite the recharging of the western side system, they planned to transfer water from the Eastern side, i.e. the Bothas Hill reservoir.

“The transfer valve is, however, faulty and the contractor will from 6am [on Wednesday]repair the valve, and water will be transferred as soon as they finish the repairs. Due to the execution of this work, and due to the inability to isolate valves, both low and intermediate reservoirs cannot be opened to supply water to residents [on Wednesday]morning.”

“The affected areas will be the entire Western side.”

“The municipality will do its best to quickly finish the repairs and restore water supply.”

The municipality apologised for the inconvenience.

The notice was not received well by some residents.

“I don’t understand how the water supply can be interrupted. How can you interrupt nothing? We have not received a single drop of water since August 23 and now you say that complete lack of water is going to be interrupted?” asked one resident.


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