Fari Dangwa
Youth empowerment and community enhancement come together to help create new skills for the youth of Makhanda.
A collaboration between local youth, Tukela Seyisi, ambassador of the Robben Island Museum, and the Department of Sports, Recreation, Arts & Culture, this program aims to build new skills by enhancing and broadening the participants’ comprehension and consciousness of societal issues.

The participants will then identify solutions for these issues and build their capability to take action regarding solution implementation.
Learners from grades 8-11 and first year university or college students will participate in this four-day program. Ten learners from every school in Makhanda will participate in the program, allowing them to become informed advocates in the future and evolve into change agents able to translate social accountability into reality. The program hopes to encourage dialogue between people across geographic, social, economic and language barriers.
One of the aims of the program is for participants to gather the skills and tools necessary to empower their peers locally, nationally and globally, creating a ripple effect in youth networks within the community. The program aims to give the youth a platform to debate, discuss and invent solutions for problems within their local community and the broader communities in which they reside.
The theme of this program is ‘The Triumph of The Human Spirit Over Adversity And Social Accountability.’ This theme is crucial in governance, corporate conduct, and civic engagement discussions, says Seyisi. It highlights the interconnectedness of our actions and their broader implications. The theme serves as a reminder that our shared humanity is the source of our strength and that we are all accountable for the kind of world we create and leave behind.
The program will be held at Duna Public Library, located in Nompondo Street, Joza Location from…. It will start on day one with introductions amongst the participants and end with the participants presenting the African Youth Parliament to delegates and the public.
Seyisi will be assisted by facilitators – Achuma Buni, Lithemba Heleni, Asibulele Majali, Hlomla Boma and Masimange Stofile.