By Luvuyo Mjekula

With more than 44 000 registered voters in Makana, the local ANC is hoping to win 80% or 35 000 of their votes, sub-region chairperson Mabhuti Matyumza declared during a pre-election rally in Raglan Road on Thursday.

“We need to pull more than 35 000 to vote for the ANC because we want to defend the democracy you fought for,” he told the party’s supporters in Raglan Road on Thursday.

ANC Makana Sub-region chairperson Mabhuti Matyumza calling on the party to go out in numbers and vote, starting on Monday, 27 May. Photo: Luvuyo Mjekula

They had come out in their numbers to welcome provincial secretary Lulama Ngcukayitobi to Makhanda.

Alliance partners Cosatu, the SACP and Sanco as well as the party’s various leagues, were also at the rally.

Welcoming the enthusiastic party faithful clad in bright yellow T-shirts, Matyumza called on them to wake up early starting on Monday, 27 May, when special voting will take place, and cast their votes.

Matyumza reminded the members and supporters of the party’s performance in past elections. “In 2021, there were 41 000 registered voters in Makana but only 19 000 voted.” Of the 19 000, the ANC received 11 000 votes, he said.

“Now we have 44 500, we want more than 35 000. We want 80%.”

“There are people hijacking the ANC. Let us make sure we vote for the ANC. We know Makana is the home of the ANC,” Matyumza asserted.

When opening the event with a prayer, Reverend Melikhaya Fiki had hinted that the party had made mistakes but was working hard to rectify them.

Reverend Melikhaya Fiki poses with members of the ANC Women’s League at the party’s pre-election rally in Raglan Road on Thursday. Photo: Luvuyo Mjekula

Before Ngcukayitobi addressed the crowd, alliance partners’ representatives shared messages of support.

Andile Hoyi of Sanco pledged his organisation’s support to the ANC, citing the party’s achievements including RDP houses built for the poor, the assistance of previously disadvantaged youth through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and the National Youth Development Agency. [Social] grants were paid quarterly [in the past], but now they are paid every month, because of the ANC,” Hoyi said.

Speaking on behalf of Cosatu, Masonwabe Jasopu also declared the trade union’s support for the ANC. “There are issues, but who can fix them except the ANC? All the three ballots are for the ANC,” he vowed.

Theo Fulani assured the party supporters that the South African Community Party (SACP) would continue to vote for the ANC. “The ANC is trying, but it is still not enough. We will keep voting for the ANC,” Fulani declared.

Ngcukayitobi also urged the supporters to stand with the ANC, which he said had achieved the principles of the Freedom Charter, including providing education to all South Africans. “No child in South Africa is denied the opportunity to get an education. At tertiary, they get a stipend of R1 600.

“Schoolchildren get to eat two meals a day. We are promoting education and fighting poverty,” said Ngcukaitobi, calling on the crowd to support the party.

ANC Makana Sub-region leaders and alliance representatives with provincial secretary Lulama Ngcukayithobi at a local pre-election rally on Thursday. Photo: Luvuyo Mjekula

“Those who say we did not do well cannot point out those things. More than 23 million people in South Africa live in government houses. In terms of fighting unemployment, we are putting in the effort to create more than five million jobs.”

Ngcukayitobi also lashed out at the party’s detractors including former president Jacob Zuma, who he accused of “always working with the enemy”.

Music performances from local acts kept the crowd entertained.

In closing the gathering, sub-region deputy chairperson and Makana mayor Yandiswa Vara thanked the supporters for trusting the party. “We must continue with door-to-door. We will make sure transport is provided for those who registered for special votes,” Vara assured.

The party would remain on the campaign trail until 29 May.

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