By Staff Reporter
The Diocesan School for Girls – Senior School learners showered the animals at the Makhanda SPCA with love and care and also took the time to honour and express gratitude to the dedicated SPCA staff, who tirelessly work to ensure the well-being of the animals.

“To show our appreciation, we decided to make a difference by donating essential groceries and handmade scarves by the girls, to the staff. Their unwavering commitment to animal welfare truly inspired us. The smiles on their faces and the wagging tails of the animals warmed our hearts and reminded us of the importance of compassion and unity in our community. Let’s continue spreading love and kindness, not only on Madiba Day but every day, as we strive to make a difference in the lives of these animals”, said DSG.

St Andrew’s College Prep senior learners meanwhile got stuck in for this year’s Mandela Day, making double-layer fleece blankets to keep the winter chill away. “Mandela Day once again provided the perfect vehicle to teach some valuable lessons to the young girls and boys of St Andrew’s Preparatory School. There was much chatter, camaraderie and enthusiasm in Memory Hall. I am sure Madiba would be pleased”, said St Andrew’s College Prep.
Meanwhile, the junior learners packaged jars of soup ingredients for Food4Futures, carefully measuring the ingredients, counting the correct number of scoops for each jar, and creating a beautiful label on each one.
At St. Andrew’s College, Interact Club pupils made about 400 sandwiches. The SAC Community Engagement Office also organised a volunteering event at Eluxolweni Child and Youth Centre, while other boys headed to the SPCA to walk the dogs.