Rhodes University has condemned the assassination attempt on the University of Fort Hare Vice-Chancellor Prof Sakhela Buhlungu and the murder of his bodyguard “in the strongest terms”.
On Monday, Buhlungu told the Daily Dispatch he would not quit his job after his executive protection officer Mboneli Vesele was gunned down outside the VC’s home in Dikeni (formerly Alice) last Friday.

Rhodes University Vice-Chancellor, Prof Sizwe Mabizela, sent his condolences to the Vesele family on behalf of the University community. He called on the SAPS and the intelligence community to act swiftly in investigating and bringing the perpetrators to book.
“We note with extreme concern that this is a second attempt on the life of Prof Buhlungu. There have also been other violent attacks on the University of Fort Hare’s top management members in the recent past. This cannot be allowed to continue,” Prof Mabizela said.
“There seems to be a growing sense of impunity on the part of criminal syndicates in their opposition to anything ethical in our society. Failure to swiftly apprehend the culprits in such instances would create a wrong impression and set a dangerous precedent. This is not how successful societies are created. This must and has to stop,” he said.
“Rhodes University stands in solidarity with the leadership of Fort Hare and all in our society who are confronting the scourge of criminality and corruption, be they individuals or institutions.”
Bodyguard Mboneli Vesele, 52, of Ginsberg, had just dropped Buhlungu off when he was ambushed while driving the VC’s vehicle on Friday evening.
Buhlungu, who was unharmed, has been moved to a safer location.