Jim Cambray reports that a 29 September thunderstorm on Park Road delivered fireworks and “a nice 13mm”, which is the total for the week of 29 September to 5 October.
Paul Maylam recorded 9mm for the same period.
Temperatures ranged from 12-26.5C for the week.
The thunderstorm added nicely to the September monthly rainfall, 61.5mm, exceeding the long-term average of 49.4mm and well above the median of 36mm. The range for the month was 1.2mm in 2013 and an excellent 162.7mm in 1993.
“All the best for October, which should be a good month for rainfall,” Cambray said.
Despite the spring rains, dam levels on the western side of town are still relatively low: 45% for Howieson’s Poort and 30% for Settlers Dam.
The long-range rainfall outlook for October to December is positive. Rainfall is expected to be at least 50% above average in November and December.