Every now and again, we all need help to get out of a rut (or a very deep trench, as the case may be). This Friday 4 October provides the perfect opportunity with a lunchtime talk in Makhanda (Grahamstown) by Virginia Solomons who, with the support of a wise and loving family, overcame extraordinary difficulties.
Gugulethu, Cape Town-born Solomons was just approaching her second birthday when she suffered severe burn injuries that left her covered in scars that would stay with her for life. As a child, she experienced the cruel side of human nature.
Other children were brutal with their mocking because she didn’t look like them and adults would stare and make negative comments because she didn’t look like their kids. Even some teachers told her she wouldn’t amount to anything.
“Growing up I was very shy and would stay out of the limelight so that people would not see me,” Solomons says.
But the cruelty she experienced in people’s attitudes was no match for the well rounded love the youngest in a family of eight children experienced at home, plus a good education.
“Even though the outside world wanted me to believe that there was something wrong with me, ie not fitting in, not looking like them, not amounting to anything, my family always believed that I was destined for greatness in Christ and that I deserved a place in this world like everybody else. And that is how they raised me.”
The Solomons family invested in education and for Virginia, as with her brother and six sisters, it paid off.
She matriculated with flying colours and scored six large bursaries for her studies at the University of the Western Cape (she had to return four of them).
She qualified as a Social Worker and later as HR Professional and has worked for a range of organisations, from NGOs and parastatals to the Retail and Automotive industries.
“I have gained vast experience in solid human capital processes and practices. Give me people and I am the happiest.”
Solomons is mom to three boys, but describes herself as mother to many: “Any child is my child.” She’s busy writing her autobiography, called ‘Scars that propel’.
Her talk this week will be not only fantastic Friday inspiration, it’s also to raise funds for Grahamstown Hospice.
Hospice specialises in the improvement of the quality of life of people directly affected by illness and their loved ones and here’s an inspiring way to support the work they do.
Ladies Breast Cancer Lunch featuring Virginia Solomons as Guest Speaker
Friday 4 October 2019: 12.30pm to 2pm
Wyvern Club, Kingswood College
R250 per ticket or R2500 for a table of 10.
Contact Cathy to book your seat or table cathy@cathybraanspr.co.za
Seating is limited, so booking is essential.