Former Grocott’s Mail journalist Andile Ecalpar Nayika will launch his first solo publication during this year’s National Arts Festival.
Better known on the art scene as Ecalpar, Nayika lives in Nelson Mandela Bay, but is originally from Makhanda. Akuwe – The Poetry Collection is to be printed this week and will be launched at the Amazwi South African Literature Museum as part of the National Arts Festival’s literature programme on the 3 July from 5pm.
https://www. events/book-launch-akuwe-the- poetry-collection/
Nayika also plans to introduce the creative public to his company Ecalpar (Pty) Ltd. which is heading the publication of the book in partnership with Skawara News and Publishers. 

“I was born, raised and am a product of a very humble background, one which has played a significant role in the creation of my work, even though the situation may at times have been unfortunate,” Nayika said.
“The lesson I aim to project, even through the content of the book, is that we all strive to be morally complete, but, as human and imperfect as we all are, we sometimes fall short.
Nayika has worked as a journalist for most of the past decade, writing for Grocott’s Mail, Mail & Guardian, The Herald and Media 24.
“During that journey I have always strived to project people’s stories to the realest of extents. However even though my attempts, like all journalists, would be convincing enough to make a story, I always felt that those we call subjects or sources – the people in those often untravelled spaces, would tell the story much better and more emphatically in those very hot shoes they are wearing.” Nayika says his book aims to give the power of creation to the normal citizens of the country.