The Eluxolweni boys shone with excitement on Thursday morning as eight of their number received prestigious Bronze and Silver President’s Awards. Jane Bradshaw, Principal of the Eluxolweni Child and Adult Care Centre, beamed with pride as she lauded the boys’ many outstanding achievements for 2018. This was the final week of the school year for the boys, ending with a Friday beach trip and braai. The boys will return home Monday 3 December, each with food parcels for their families.

The awards ceremony was well-attended by staff, community members and supporters of Eluxolweni and culminated in a celebratory feast of meat, salads, and cake. Reverend Thenduxolo Jali opened the ceremony in prayer and offered warm words of advice to the boys regarding social media and safety.
Rhodes Music Radio (RMR) presenter, Nceba Matiwane, hosted the proceedings which featured marimba performances by the boys and guest speeches by Nosi Nkwinti from Rhodes University Community Engagement, and Nombulelo Habana from the office of the President’s Awards.
Nkwinti spoke about the importance of believing in dreams and working hard for a bright future. “You [will]work so hard that Eluxolweni will become a better place because of you,” she said. She ended with a quote from Nelson Mandela: “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.” Her remarks were met with thunderous applause from all in attendance.
Eight boys were awarded their President’s Award certificates and badges by Habana and warmly congratulated by Bradshaw and others. “It’s always a pleasure to work with Eluxolweni,” said Habana.
Silver and Bronze winners included Phazisa Qokose (Silver), Lisakhanya Habana (Silver), Sibulele Williams (Silver), Mario Jameson (Silver), Siyanda Zuke (Bronze), Simankele Faba (Bronze), Siyabulela Yako (Bronze), and Sinombulelo Tata (Bronze).
The ceremony closed with a vote of thanks from Eluxolweni pupil Sigqibo Saki and social worker Linda Mpiyane. Mpiyane encouraged the boys to always remember, “I am not what you say I am, I am what God says I am.”
Grocott’s MailĀ congratulates all the winners and wishes them a happy holiday and best of luck for the 2019 year.