Pre-paid meters
Following the urgent message at the end of September for all pre-paid electricity customers to send their up to date contact details to Makana Finance Directorate (, it appears that just over half of customers have complied. The Finance Directorate are still committed to collecting as much of this data as possible without resorting to disconnecting customers. If you use a pre-paid meter and have not sent in your details, or you have tenants who have not complied, please do so soon. Customers who ignore the requirement will eventually be inconvenienced through disconnection and then face a re-connection charge.
Get involved – Run/ Walk for Grahamstown!
Thursday 26th October 2017 at 5.30pm (Registration from 4.30pm) at P.J. Olivier School
The local Rapportryers’ Club in conjunction with Hoërskool P.J. Olivier are hosting their annual 5km fun run with a local charity as beneficiary.
Brightening up Grahamstown
This year all proceeds from the run/walk are being paid to Grahamstown Residents’ Association to initiate a project which aims to enhance the City Centre. The project involves planting indigenous plants, mainly aloes, at high profile locations such as High Street, together with use of rocks and cobbles to make attractive hard-wearing features. The aim is to showcase beautiful planting so that we can build further and plant more – you are welcome to contact us and join in.
The Rapportryers and GRA invite as many people as possible to turn out and support this event, with the entrance fee being R20 for adults and R15 for scholars. This will give GRA the start-up funding for the planting project. There will be prizes for a variety of categories and lucky spot prizes. Come in fancy dress, bring children in buggies, in fact bring the whole family! – that’s what this event is all about. The communities, schools, businesses and families of Grahamstown gathering for the benefit of Grahamstown and having fun together.
Stray livestock
The GRA has been working with various parties since May to relieve the problems caused by stray livestock in town. Following reports in last week’s Grocott’s Mail about engagement of stock owners by Makana Parks Department, we are now ready to embark on further actions to help restrict the number of, and eventually stop, livestock straying in town. If this is something you are willing to assist with then please email us: Controlling stray livestock is part of a much larger agenda to manage commonages better, improving animal welfare and not least – allowing for the greening and planting of Grahamstown roadsides, which are currently decimated by uncontrolled donkeys and cattle.