A body was found in Vukani location this afternoon (Tuesday 13 October). Grahamstown police spokesperson Captain Mali Govender said the body was found in the Vukani old cemetery.
A body was found in Vukani location this afternoon (Tuesday 13 October). Grahamstown police spokesperson Captain Mali Govender said the body was found in the Vukani old cemetery.
She was not able to say whether it was a man or woman's body. "I can confirm that a body was found in the cemetery this afternoon. But at this stage we cannot reveal any details on the incident.
"We will depend on the post-mortem results for more information," said Govender. She said police have opened an inquest docket. A source in Vukani who wanted to remain anonymous, and who had seen the body, described the scene.
"The body was half and with no other upper parts. The person was only left with legs," said the source. The distressed man said the Grahamstown community needs to fight these crimes.
"It's no longer the Grahamstown I used to know.
Things have changed and people are dying and we need to work together and fight this," said the source.