Prize winners for Flower Competition 2015

Prize winners for Flower Competition 2015

Section 1 Container Plants
Anne Collins Trophy for the Best Container Plant
Sally Koen Gledhill Floating Trophy for Best Indigenous Succulents etc
Camilla Bowes Mildrid Samson Floating Trophy for most points in Container Plants 
Sally Koen Second most points Alison Terry
Section 2 Roses
Vernon Marais cup for Champion Rose Vernon Marais
GC Neville Floating troph for most points in Rose Section
Lalita Ranchod Bill Handcock Floating Trophy for the most scented rose
Ann Stockwell Roy Hart Trophy for the best Multiflora type Rose
Joan Ballentine Sue White Floating Trophy for best six Roses in one variety
Sally Koen AHS floating trophy for second most points Vernon Marais
Section 3 Cut Flowers
AHS Floating Trophy for best stem flowering shrub etc
Sally Koen AHS Floating Trophy for poppies
Amanda Coltman AHS Floating Trophy for the best stem Flowering shrub or Creeper
Sally Koen Betty and Desmond HH cup for the best bearded Iris
Alison Terry Sutton Floating Trophy for most points in the cut flower section
Sally Koen Joan Mullins Floating trophy ofr 2nd most points in cut flowers Alison Terry
Section 4 Indigenous
AHS Floating trophy for best indigenous Flowering stem
Alison Terry Rosalie Iderton Floating Trophy for most points
Fleur Way-Jones Gill Wylie Vermeulen Cup for most points in Barberton Daisy Section
Joan Alexander Second Most Points Indigenous Sally Terry
Section 6 Orchids Ken Douglas trophy for most points in Orchid Section
Craig Peter Pierre and Collette Hendricks for Best Orchid on Show
Craig Peter Second Most points Orchids James Stapley Vernon Marais
Section 7 Herb and Vegetables
Butterworth Cup for most points
Sally Terry Second Most Points Fleur Way-Jones
Section 8 Childrens Section
Chapman Trophy for Best Arrangement in Childrens Section
Ashley Price Underhill Floating trophy for PreSchool
Matthew Pyle Gowie Trophy Floating trophy for Grades 1 to 3
Ashley Price Gowie Trophy Floating trophy for Grades 4 to 7
Erin Powers Overall 1st with most points in Childrens Section
Matthew Pyle Overall 2nd most points Erin Powers
Section 9 Photography
Tie first with most points Marian Jayes
Fleur Way-Jones Overall points winner
Sally Koen 2nd most points Sally Terry 3rd most points
Alison Terry Thank you stall gift for continued support Aubrey Burger

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