Soroptimists International Grahamstown recently celebrated their 40th year of existence in our city by planting five indigenous shrubs and trees at Hobbiton at Fairewood (just outside Grahamstown) and by installing a CCTV camera outside the Albany Club to monitor that area of High Street.
Soroptimists International Grahamstown recently celebrated their 40th year of existence in our city by planting five indigenous shrubs and trees at Hobbiton at Fairewood (just outside Grahamstown) and by installing a CCTV camera outside the Albany Club to monitor that area of High Street.
During the past four decades, this local soroptimist branch has contributed many thousands of rands to a wide range of charities, NGOs and projects, focusing on issues such as violence against women, education, leadership, safe sanitation and displacement – with a special emphasis on women and children.
The organisation was founded in 1921 in Oaklands, California and has approximately 80 000 members worldwide in 132 countries.
It has a permanent voice at the United Nations and espouses such values as human rights for all, global peace and international goodwill, advancing womens' potential, integrity and democratic decision making, volunteering, diversity and friendship.
The local group is keen to recruit new members.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend one of their monthly meetings on the last Wednesday of the month at 5.30pm, at the Albany Club in High Street.