Grocott's Mail's own Mzwamadoda "Azlan" Makalima will be one of the artists featured in a live hip-hop event this weekend.
Grocott's Mail's own Mzwamadoda "Azlan" Makalima will be one of the artists featured in a live hip-hop event this weekend.
A rare opportunity for Grahamstown hip-hop fans to hear some of their favourite artists perform live, the show will also include artists like, amongst others, Qalazive from Port Elizabeth, Gqala, Rhanga Fam, BMac, Zolani 'Zeezee' Tshobo and will take place in the Fingo Library Hall on Saturday 6 June.
The show is an extension of the popular Radio Grahamstown hip-hop show, 'Art Effects', which is presented by Azlan in collaboration with Zolani 'Zeezee' Tshobo.
It has been organised by Makalima and Tshobo with support from Dakkie Yam Studios.
Makalima said Art Effects had been on Radio Grahamstown for as long as he can remember, but it has never put on an event like this.
"We originally intended to do a live outside broadcast but we don't have the right equipment.
The show will, however, go on without the live broadcast," he said.
"It's still a great opportunity to create a platform for the show's listeners to interact with the presenters and I'm looking forward to that. It doesn't happen very often that we meet our listeners face to face."
Some of the radio show's past presenters have all been involved in hip-hop in Grahamstown.
These include Xolile Madinda, Tsepiso Nzayo and Bongani 'BMac' Sipopo.
Makalima says they would have loved to provide the entertainment to hip-hop lovers for free, but unfortunately they also have costs to cover.
"For the entertainment value on offer, we don't think R15 is too much to ask for," he said.
He added that there are also plans to involve local hip-hop and pantsula dancers and to bring a TV crew from Port Elizabeth to cover the event.
'Art Effects – The Hip-Hop Show' is on Saturday 6 June, 1 – 6pm at the Fingo Library.
For more information contact Azlan at 073 330 8139.
Makalima is Grocott's Mail's Online Producer.