A passenger was hospitalised after a crash on the corner of Henry and Fitzroy streets in Grahamstown last weekend.
A passenger was hospitalised after a crash on the corner of Henry and Fitzroy streets in Grahamstown last weekend.
Police kept the driver of one of the two vehicles involved overnight in police cells. The injured female passenger was transferred to Livingstone Hospital in Port Elizabeth with injuries that included a broken collarbone.
The vehicles involved were a white VW Fox and a Nissan Hardbody. Grahamstown Police said the incident happened at the corner of Henry and Fitzroy streets on Saturday evening, 1 November.
Grahamstown Crime Intelligence Officer Milanda Coetzer said, "It is alleged that the bakkie may have failed to stop at a traffic sign and collided into the Fox."
Coetzer said traffic officers administered a breathalyser test for alcohol consumption on both drivers at the scene.
"One of the drivers, a 72-year-old man was taken to Settlers Hospital to obtain forensic evidence and was later detained in SAPS cells," she said.
The injured woman was a passenger in the VW Fox, Coetzer said.