Urgent upgrades are being undertaken after Califro Consulting Engineers investigated the state of the substations at Makana Municipality’s request.

Urgent upgrades are being undertaken after Califro Consulting Engineers investigated the state of the substations at Makana Municipality’s request.

Spokesperson for Califro Constructing Engineers, Lee Muller told the <ital>Oppidan Press<ital> that the substations were in a dire condition. 

An estimated R50 million will be required for the standard upgrades alone, which could lead to another electiricty price hike. 

The current work is also meant to connect Grahamstown to the Waainek Wind Farm, which will deliver energy by June 2015.

Constructers are currently installing the wind farm equipment at Grahamstown’s 66V substation.

The upgrade is scheduled to be completed by October this year and is estimated to cost R50 million for the standard upgrades.

High maintenance costs could see yet another increase for electrivity.  

Electrical Engineer, Dale Libbenberg estimates what impact it will have on citizens.


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