Here follows The 2014 Give5 campaign starts on Monday 3 March and will end on Sunday 9 March.

Here follows The 2014 Give5 campaign starts on Monday 3 March and will end on Sunday 9 March.

Give5 is a fund-raising campaign run by Rhodes students to raise money from the student body to help those on campus who struggle to make ends meet.

From Monday, tables will be available at the Kaif, Alumni Relations and Eden Grove, where volunteers from the various residences can take a table and collect R5 coins from generous student donors.

The campaign is holding a Fire Walk on Friday, 7 March, to raise money for Give5 recipients for 2014, The Annual Fund Pocket Money Fund.

All money raised will go towards the fund, which currently helps 100 students who do not have enough money to buy essentials such as soap or deodorant, said Terryl Mc Carthy, Rhodes' alumni relations and annual fund officer.

Fire walkers will have to raise a R265 entrance fee and continue raising money for Give5.

According to Busi Tshabalala's, the campaign's chairperson, the Give5 initiative raised R48 000 last year and aims to raise over R60 000 this year.

"We are very optimistic about the campaign this year. We are trying to push really hard because we only have one campaign this year and so far things are looking good. We give prizes to the dining halls that raise the most money and also have spot prizes. So every time you give R5 you increase your chance of winning a prize," she explained.

Fire Walk volunteers need to email to participate, as space is limited. Other fund-raising events will be planned individually by the various Rhodes residences. Details can be found on the Give5 Facebook page.

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