A woman’s cry for help during the recent water outage was heard by the President – or to be more specific – his Presidential hotline.
A woman’s cry for help during the recent water outage was heard by the President – or to be more specific – his Presidential hotline.
Grocott’s Mail received an email last week from Presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj saying a citizen had brought the crisis to their attention.
Like many Grahamstonians Cheryth Robertson was frustrated by the water cuts, but she decided to take the matter to national government when hitting dead ends with local municipal departments. The B&B owner and part-time music teacher said within a few days of calling the Presidential hotline she received a follow-up call from Makana Municipality.
The Presidency acknowledging receiving her complaint in an email, as well as contacting the municipality, Rhodes University and other relevant stakeholders to intervene.
Robertson said, “I was impressed by the Presidency’s email to me after complaining. Next time I have a problem I will definitely go straight to the Presidential hotline. They get things done.”
The Presidential hotline number is 17737.