Makana municipality is scheduled to hold its second ordinary council meeting on Tuesday 13 August following a postponement. However, the fact that no agenda has been distributed brings its status into question.
Makana municipality is scheduled to hold its second ordinary council meeting on Tuesday 13 August following a postponement. However, the fact that no agenda has been distributed brings its status into question.
This will be only the second ordinary council meeting since the beginning of the year.
A number of events in the municipality, including the recent resignation of Chief Financial Officer Danny Sahibdeen, means it is likely to be a lengthy agenda.
However, when Grocott's Mail went to get an agenda from the municipality for Tuesday's meeting, a staff member said he had not yet been instructed to distribute copies of it.
According to the standing rules of order of local municipalities, the agenda should be distributed seven days before the meeting sits. Members of the community are allowed to attend all Council meetings unless they are denoted confidential.