A discussion titled Celebrating Multilingualism in Higher Education/ Sibhiyozela ukusetyenziswa kweeLwimi eziNinzi/ Die Viering van Meertaligheid will take place at the Eden Grove Blue lecture theatre at Rhodes University this Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm.
A discussion titled Celebrating Multilingualism in Higher Education/ Sibhiyozela ukusetyenziswa kweeLwimi eziNinzi/ Die Viering van Meertaligheid will take place at the Eden Grove Blue lecture theatre at Rhodes University this Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm. The guest speaker is Professor Michael Joseph and the session will be chaired by Professor Russell Kaschula.
Panellists include Bulelwa Nosilela, Subject Head, African Language Studies; Professor Lorenzo Dalvit, MTN Chair, School of Journalism; Zakeera Docrat (postgraduate in African Language Studies and student nominee on RU Language Committee); Dr Ds Koos Oosthuysen (Post-Doctoral Fellow); Professor Rod Walker (Dean of Pharmacy); Professor George Euvrard (Faculty of Education) and Professor Andrew Buckland (Drama).
The winner of the R1 000 multilingual short story prize will be announced at the event.