Wednesday, January 15

They say that half the fun is in the anticipation. Sometimes we enjoy thinking about and planning a holiday more than the actual holiday itself. This is of course because when we look forward to an event or an outing we fully engage our imagination and in our mind's eye everything is perfect. It all works out just right.

They say that half the fun is in the anticipation. Sometimes we enjoy thinking about and planning a holiday more than the actual holiday itself. This is of course because when we look forward to an event or an outing we fully engage our imagination and in our mind's eye everything is perfect. It all works out just right.

Right now, in the last few days before the start of Festival, our imaginations can run wild. It's going to be fabulous, with dozens of astonishing shows put on by outrageously talented actors, musicians and artists. The colour, sounds and inspiration will be quite overpowering. How will we be able to take in so much creativity all at once?

The feeling of excitement is heightened as locals clean up the town. The municipality painted and repainted white lines on the streets and even repaired many of the street lights lining the main roads of Grahamstown. Trees have been trimmed, potholes filled and grass cut, causing the Mayor to compliment his staff, saying, “We must make sure that we are ready to host the thousands of people who will visit the municipality, and keep up the good work done thus far.”

Shops have ordered extra supplies and restaurants have hired part-time waiters and kitchen staff to attend to the rush of customers.

In terms of security, Hi-Tec has hired more guards and the police have brought in extra personnel from other centres.

We are ready for 11 days of Amazing and even when problems arise, as they surely will, most of them can be dealt with using a seriously positive attitude.

Yes, some of the festinos will get rowdy, and of course it is going to be difficult to find parking, and we are absolutely certain that in spite of the prominent signs on Allen Street, some cars with GP number plates will enter Pepper Grove Mall against the no-entry sign.

Let us put those little annoyances to one side and take advantage of the many positive aspects of this unique event. This is our annual showcase, a wonderful opportunity to show the people of South Africa that Makana is truly a great place to be.

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