Wednesday, January 15

Vice-Chancellor of Rhodes University, Dr Saleem Badat, addressed the graduation ceremony of the Science Faculty on Thursday night. Here are some key extracts from his speech which highlighted the importance of ethical leadership.

Vice-Chancellor of Rhodes University, Dr Saleem Badat, addressed the graduation ceremony of the Science Faculty on Thursday night. Here are some key extracts from his speech which highlighted the importance of ethical leadership.

This evening as you leave us, or proceed to higher degrees at Rhodes, I wish to share some thoughts with you on leadership. One reason for this is that the Rhodes University slogan is, of course, Where Leaders Learn. A second reason for talking about leadership is that last week Dr Reuel Khoza, chairperson of Nedbank and a honorary doctoral graduand of Rhodes made reference to the ‘emergence of a strange breed of leaders’ whose ‘moral quotient is degenerating.’

He also raised concerns about the extent to which we have an ‘accountable democracy,’ and suggested that ‘we have a duty to…call to book the putative leaders who…cannot lead.’ A final, and more immediate, reason is that soon Rhodes University will publicly launch a new academic centre – the Allan Gray Centre for Leadership Ethics.

The Centre for Leadership Ethics is made possible by a renewable R12.5 million grant by Allan Gray, a Rhodes University alumnus and honorary doctoral graduand, a great philanthropist, and the pioneering founder of the Allan Gray investment company.

Sadly, too many who occupy positions of economic, political and administrative power, and are entrusted with the leadership of society and key institutions, are sorely wanting with regard to the core values and conduct that are congruent with ethical, responsible and accountable leadership.

Witness the flagrant abuse of power for political, economic and private gain and self-enrichment, as manifested in corruption, fraud and dubious tenderpreunerial activities, in anti-democratic practices, and the perpetuation of macho masculinities and women’s oppression in the name of culture.

Witness, too, the failures on the part of those entrusted with leading critical economic, social, educational and health institutions to grasp fully their profound constitutional, moral and social responsibilities in a society that proclaims a commitment to human dignity, social equity and justice.

Recall how a futile debate on the cause of HIV/AIDS led to a stultifying absence of leadership to deal with the pandemic, and how the tardy response in rolling out anti-retrovirals resulted in unnecessary delays in treatment and the tragic loss of lives. Recall, too, that we were promised an innovative ‘Public Service that will provide an excellent quality of service,’ be the ‘servant of the people (and be) ‘accessible, transparent, accountable, efficient and free of corruption.’

Batho Pele (People First) was to be the watchword of our Public Service. Instead, in many areas, there is a widespread culture of disdainful conduct and service, sheer indifference to the basic needs of people, and a sore lack of ethical and accountable leadership.

While the economic and political elites of our country have recourse to private and Model C schools, private hospitals and private cars, the poor of our society depend hugely on public services for their basic needs and for improving their lives and those of their children.

The lack of political and administrative leadership and the shortcomings in critical public services undermine the dignity of the poor, retard the educational development of millions of children and youth, thwart the realization of constitutionally and legally enshrined social goals and, ultimately, violate human and social rights. Indisputably, one of our great challenges is to improve the quality of education in schools.

A key distinguishing feature between well-performing and poorly performing schools is effective leadership. Our schools cry out for courageous and effective educational leadership on the part of state departments and school heads.

A respected alumnus, Caroline Southey, writes in ‘Help, the cops are coming!’ that ‘a depressing realization is setting in that we are in danger not only from those in civilian clothes – there is an increasing trend for our criminals to sport police uniforms.’ She contends that the tremendous increase in assault investigations and murder cases involving the police is ‘symptomatic of a police force that is sans leadership, devoid of a moral compass and feels accountable to no one.’

Our fragile environment, too, continues to suffer because of timid and indecisive leadership. We pursue relentlessly, without effective regulation so-called ‘progress’ and ‘development,’ irrespective of the massive degradation of the environment and the hazards of global climate change. The shenanigans of various businesspersons, politicians and bureaucrats make for riveting, if depressing, reading.

Regularly, we are shocked and awed by the brazen sense of ‘entitlement,’ the glib emphasis on the legal instead of the ethical, and by the impunity with which so-called leaders redeploy resources for private gain and benefit.

Perhaps the pervasiveness of the shortcomings of those in leadership has numbed us into silence. Perhaps we assume that our duties as citizens extend no further than voting every five years. Or perhaps, shocked and awed, or just thoroughly discouraged, we cannot conceive how we, as ordinary citizens, can become agents of change.

But silence is not an option. It simply leaves the door wide open for irresponsible and unaccountable leadership, and a culture of impunity, greed and crass materialism in which self-interest, material wealth, profits, and performance bonuses become the new gods.

We must also not become cynical or despair. Tatamkulu Nelson Mandela writes that ‘there were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.’

Instead, we must remain optimistic, keep our ‘head pointed toward the sun, (our) feet moving forward.’

Key qualities of ethical leadership

Ethical and responsible leaders also possess certain key qualities. They take learning, education and knowledge seriously. They understand that these are vital for understanding our world, for gaining insight into the real nature of our problems and challenges, and for finding solutions.

They have an unwavering commitment to non-racialism, non-sexism and great respect for difference and diversity: whether related to race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, language or culture. They refuse to be paralysed by our history, legacy and contemporary problems. Instead, they inspire us by reminding us of our remarkable ingenuity and courage in fashioning a fabulous Constitution and winning our democracy; they call on us to draw on these to confront our challenges.

At the heart of ethical, responsible and accountable leadership is, of course, integrity and honesty. Ethical leaders, in the words of the great African leader, Amilcar Cabral, ‘tell no lies. Expose lies whenever they are told. Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim no easy victories.’ Without integrity, there can be no principled conduct; no prospect of winning trust and inspiring and uniting people around a vision; no effective communication, no ethical and responsible leadership.

But ethical and responsible leaders also look beyond themselves. They see potential all around them, seek to build new generations of leaders who will be better than them, to create opportunities for developing people, to provide them with experiences and space to learn lessons, and strive to be role models by living out values associated with ethical and responsible leadership.

Finally, as the Taoist philosopher, Lao Tzu, writes The leader is best When people are hardly aware of his existence When his work is done, his aim fulfilled The people say, 'We did it ourselves.’ Of course, leaders need committed yet critical supporters, who also act as agents of change, strong institutions and a strong civil society. Leadership, then, becomes everyone's task and responsibility.

This is the real meaning of the slogan, ‘Power to the People.’ If not this, we will continue under the yoke of the big men brand of leadership, with all its deficiencies. It has been noted that ‘effectively to give birth to the new, we must be angry at our past.’

Given the lack and shortcomings of leadership, perhaps, anger and shame at the present is also justified. A wonderful Sotho proverb, however, says: ‘No matter how hot your anger may be, it cannot cook.’ Our challenge is to make the real fire that cooks, to embrace the critical task of producing the competent, responsible and ethical leaders that our society cries out for.

Everyone has the potential to be a leader, for leaders ‘are not born with some magic infallible tool kit’ but are produced by environments, opportunities, life ‘journeys and experiences.’ Leadership is not inherited or bestowed through patronage, or a function of material wealth, high office, status, or a degree. It must be earned through ethical conduct, impeccable integrity, visionary endeavour, selfless public service, perseverance and commitment to people and responsibilities.


You, our graduands have had the honour of studying at a very special and distinctive university, one that deservedly commands an enviable academic reputation. We take pride in our striving to ensure that we are an environment in which knowledge, understanding and the intellect can flower; in being a leading postgraduate and research university that takes undergraduate studies seriously; in enjoying among the best pass and graduation rates in South Africa; in our increasing engagement with local communities; in the pursuit of equity and excellence, and in being a cosmopolitan institution with students from some 56 countries.

Over three days, 2 240 students will graduate at five graduation ceremonies. 1 333 students will receive undergraduate degrees, and 907, or 40% postgraduate degrees. 1 383 graduates or 62% are women. Four hundred and forty five or 20% are international students from 32 countries in the rest of Africa and from countries around the world.

This evening there is a new record of 34 Science PhDs, with 15 PhDs from a single department – the Department of Chemistry. This is a fantastic achievement on the part of the Science Faculty, the Dean and all the staff and students. We also celebrate a new University record of 55 PhD’s – not bad for the smallest university in the country!

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