Eastern Cape was declared the worst performing province in the 2011 matric results, and of the 10 most poorly performing districts, six are from the province.
Eastern Cape was declared the worst performing province in the 2011 matric results, and of the 10 most poorly performing districts, six are from the province.
Good news for the people of Cacadu district, however, is that theirs is not one of these districts. The Eastern Cape achieved 58.1%, down from 58.3% in 2010, and a decline of 0.2%. Most schools in Grahamstown have improved from 2010's results.
Khutliso Daniels Secondary School was the worst-performing school in Grahamstown in 2009 with a 10.8% pass rate and soared to 54% in 2010. Last year they improved by another 10% to 64%. Nombulelo High School also improved – from 37% in 2010 to 70.37% last year.
Graeme College maintained its 98% pass rate, with 40 university entries. Another school that maintained its good performance was Victoria Girls' High School, which achieved a 100% pass rate.
PJ Olivier dropped from 100% in 2010 to 90% in the most recent results. Benjamin Mahlesela also improved from last year's disappointing 28.6% to 75%. Of their six successful candidates, one qualified for a Bachelors Degree, three for Diplomas and two for Higher Certificates.
Nathaniel Nyaluza achieved a 45% pass rate with nine Bs, eight Ds and six H symbols. Ntsika Secondary school achieved three Bs, six Ds and nine H symbols.