Shutterbug is appalled at the way many motorists disobey the rules of the road, from not stopping at stop streets, running through red robots, talking on cell phones while driving, disobeying speed limits, driving unroadworthy vehicles and many more offences.

It is time our road users have respect, not only for other motorists, but also their passengers who put their trust in the motorist to get them to their destination safely.

The aim of this column is not to see how many offenders we can name and shame, but in the long term (maybe even short term), to see how few offenders The Shutterbug can find around our town. However, that will only happen when motorists start to obey the rules of the road – it's that simple.

Shutterbug is appalled at the way many motorists disobey the rules of the road, from not stopping at stop streets, running through red robots, talking on cell phones while driving, disobeying speed limits, driving unroadworthy vehicles and many more offences.

It is time our road users have respect, not only for other motorists, but also their passengers who put their trust in the motorist to get them to their destination safely.

The aim of this column is not to see how many offenders we can name and shame, but in the long term (maybe even short term), to see how few offenders The Shutterbug can find around our town. However, that will only happen when motorists start to obey the rules of the road – it's that simple.

While the transport minister is trying his best to stop the carnage on our roads he has come up with a few good ideas, including the latest which could see the process of getting a driver's license taking up to four years. The new system is aimed at reducing carnage on the roads.

It seems that some local motorists should be forced to retake the driver's testing, such as the driver BHS182EC who does not seem to know what a Stop sign is for, as he raced through the Prince Alfred/Somerset Street intersection during peak traffic hour.

And then you have drivers who still don't see the danger of talking on the cell phone while driving, like FLB489EC talking on the phone while driving along Rhodes campus. And then FRN091EC texting on his phone while driving all over the road in Hill Street, and also on Hill Street, talking on the phone was CWX367EC.

While many motorists think they can do as they please in private parking areas, this is not the case for many of these areas. If the parking lot is not closed off, the traffic department can still issue fines for motorists disobeying the rules of the road, such as parking in paraplegic parking bays. These bays are for those vehicles with a paraplegic sticker on the windscreen, but, the person for whom this sticker was issued, needs to be in the vehicle before one can park in the paraplegic bay.

Remember to report bad driving to toll-free number 0861 400 800 and send your feed-back to

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