A new committee is to be formed that will look at reviewing the submissions for name changes within the municipality. “We are about to resuscitate a committee which will not necessary be driven by the council and will be used as a local reference point,” said Makana Mayor Vumile Lwana.
A new committee is to be formed that will look at reviewing the submissions for name changes within the municipality. “We are about to resuscitate a committee which will not necessary be driven by the council and will be used as a local reference point,” said Makana Mayor Vumile Lwana.
He says the old committee, the municipal naming task team was not functioning well and therefore a new one had to be formed composed of fewer councillors and more local residents.
The committee members will be made up of mostly people drawnfrom the civil service and academic and heritage fields and will be chaired by a municipal councillor.
“We shall put up this committee to look at the criteria of name changes, which will advise and make recommendations to the municipal council and the provincial geographical names committee” says Lwana.
He says the committee will not start working on a clean slate, as there are already submissions that have made and need to be addressed such as the name changes to Grahamstown, Settlers Hospital and streets and areas which don’t even have names.
Lwana made an example of streets such as J street in Hlalani that do not have official street names.
According to Lwana, an advert will be soon be released, inviting people to participate as committee members.