The revised Integrated Development (IDP) document for the 2010/2011 financial year was adopted and approved by the council at a recent special council meeting, amid concerns raised by councillors.
In the mayor’s opening address during the meeting he reminded the council of the approaching end of their term of office in a few months’ time.
The revised Integrated Development (IDP) document for the 2010/2011 financial year was adopted and approved by the council at a recent special council meeting, amid concerns raised by councillors.
In the mayor’s opening address during the meeting he reminded the council of the approaching end of their term of office in a few months’ time.
“The Budget and IDP that I am about to table to this council will be the last one under our helm, and it is wise for us to reflect on our successes during our term of office and also not forget our failures during the same period,” said Executive Makana Mayor Vumile Lwana as he presented the IDP and Budget to the council.
Lwana said that in recent weeks council has conducted public participation meetings with members of the general public around the municipal area.
“Our aim with these meetings was to report back to the communities as to what the municipality will be doing around the municipal area come 2010/11 financial year.
During these meetings, Madam Speaker, we have heard members of the public sharing their frustrations with our service delivery machines,” Lwana said.
DA Councillor Michael Whisson said that he submitted questions to the Municipal Manager pointing out general problems in the IDP overview such as he noted there are large numbers of figures which are out of date such as the references to the 2008 annual report, Quantac 2007.
"The report reads like a cut and stick version of the Situational Analysis produced for LED (Local Economic Development),” Whisson wrote.
The Municipal Manager, Ntombi Baart responded that she would make another document available for viewing. This would then be addressed in the new fianancial year.
Whisson also said that it is a sloppy piece of work. ANC councillor Julia Wells supported Whisson and preferred that the whole document be withdrawn.
However, because of time constraints, this is unlikely. She also commented that the some of the concerns integrated into the IDP did not reflect those issues that appeared in a recent strategic session where they met with stakeholders.
Wells proposed a special task team be constructed to review comments that are to be included in the IDP “to make sure that our review is tightened up”.
Once the council has adopted and approved the IDP document, they acknowledged the concerns and Council Speaker Rachel Madinda concluded that an emphasis will be placed on the resolution that the identified gaps be addressed during the next round of the IDP review process.
A special task team, proposed by councillor Wells, was formulated to address this recommendation. “A task team will be set up, we do not want to leave any stone unturned regarding this document,” said Madinda said.
She invited the councillors to select members for this task team, which were councillors Whisson, Wells, Nomhle Gaga, Mxolisi Ntshiba and Ntsikelelo Stamper.