THE Samwu strike is not against Makana Municipality, but against the South African Local Government  Association (Salga) which represents all municipalities in negotiations with the unions.

THE Samwu strike is not against Makana Municipality, but against the South African Local Government  Association (Salga) which represents all municipalities in negotiations with the unions.

It is therefore wholly wrong that the strikers should target the municipal offi cers and the ratepayers, who may have to administer and pay, but who are not part of the negotiations.

Makana DA has also opposed the abdication by the municipalities’ responsibilities to Salga, as one size does not fi t all in local government.

The behaviour of some of the strikers appears to be inspired by crude racism the glue that holds the warring factions in the tripartite alliance together in the streets and gutters and at provoking responses which  can incite an unruly crowd.

We trust that the citizens will not allow themselves to be provoked, but to respond appropriately. We commend all who have quietly cleared and removed the trash in their streets after the marchers have passed.

Where the law has been broken, by assault, trespassing, malicious damage to property or crimen injuria, citizens are urged to lay charges and make statements to the police, as they would in any case of burglary or assault, if possible with supporting witnesses and photographs.

Where a traffi c or police offi cer has been present and is a potential witness, the identity of the offi cer should be provided to the Traffi c department (Traffi and included in the statement.

We believe in the Rule of Law  which can only prevail if it is supported by us all. We appeal for calm, and for a pledge by the Mayor that Council will do all in its power to uphold the Rule of Law.

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