Wednesday, January 15

The Hewitt Cup (mixed competition), played at the Grahamstown Golf Club, was won by Lydia Palmer and Colin Armstrong.

Rose and Tony Gunton were the runners-up. This Tuesday saw the Grahamstown Golf Club women president’s day, sponsored by the women’s club president, Daphne Bowker, and an Individual Stableford competition.

The Hewitt Cup (mixed competition), played at the Grahamstown Golf Club, was won by Lydia Palmer and Colin Armstrong.

Rose and Tony Gunton were the runners-up. This Tuesday saw the Grahamstown Golf Club women president’s day, sponsored by the women’s club president, Daphne Bowker, and an Individual Stableford competition.

Winners of the day were Sue McNaughton in first place on a good 41 points, Jane Bladen took second and Lydia Palmer third.

The woman president also played very well but declined her prize. Next Tuesday’s competition will be the Pick n Pay-sponsored Bonus Bogey competition.

Any interested women beginners are invited to join at the club at 3pm. Ingrid Moss of the women’s club committee invited women interested in golf to take part in their Tuesday’s competitions: “To all potential,
wishful, useless(your opinion of your own golf), and previously-active, lady golfers, you are all invited to join us regulars at the Grahamstown Golf Club next Tuesday for nine holes of golf.”

The new members will be offered a threemonth trial period to see if they like the game and will pay a nominal R20 towards green fees for nine holes for the first three months.

The women’s captain Lyn Rossouw, will help new members with a few basics. “The idea is that on a Tuesday afternoon on the days when the weekly competition allows, you will join a regular three ball and play along with them.

If you are taking too many shots, you will just pick up your ball and start afresh on the next hole,” said Moss. For more information phone Ingrid on 079 497 0268.

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