Are you going away on holiday or a business trip but you are scared of leaving your home unattended?

Are you going away on holiday or a business trip but you are scared of leaving your home unattended?

Well, the local police are there to put your mind at ease because they are prepared for their annual mission of rooting out those sneaky thieves who are targeting your house.

The local South African Police Services has yet again tightened its policing forces as they prepare to combat crime during the festive season, especially burglaries. The vacant house register is one such operation which allows Grahamstown residents to enjoy the summer holidays while the police patrol your home and property.

According to Inspector Gaye McKenzie residents can go directly to the police station where they will be given a form to fill in. This includes your address and the date of your departure and return so that the police can patrol your neighbourhood.

McKenzie says that since this initiative has been operating there haven’t been many burglaries. "This operation happens every year because we know when we need to start clamping down on burglars," says McKenzie. She also says that pamphlets will be distributed during the festive season, encouraging people to report to the police before they leave.

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