In order to make sure your garden remains green during a drought make use of these simple tips:
– Catch shower water in a bucket, and collect the water that comes out of the hot water tap before it gets hot enough.
In order to make sure your garden remains green during a drought make use of these simple tips:
– Catch shower water in a bucket, and collect the water that comes out of the hot water tap before it gets hot enough.
-Drain pipes from the bath, dishwasher and washing machine can also be rerouted to empty directly into flower beds. However, ‘grey water’ containing detergent residues must be filtered before widespread use in flower beds.
-Water your plants during the early morning or evening to prevent water being evaporated by the sun.
-Use mulch on top of your soil to prevent water evaporation. Mulch includes old bark, leaves or stones.
-Replace lawns and plants with heavy water demands with drought-tolerant indigenous plants.
-Keep your beds and lawns weeded. Weeds steal moisture from desirable plants.
-Let your lawn grow. A lawn that isn’t overly short shades the ground, keeping water from evaporating quickly.
-Add organic material such as compost or manure to your soil so that water can penetrate it more deeply. This also helps the soil to retain water for your plants.
More information on a number of grey water treatment systems suitable for domestic installation can be found at, and