If children don’t eat properly, they cannot learn properly. Anyone who has tried to study for exams on an empty stomach can attest to this. If we conducted a survey with local food outlets they would probably confirm that they do more business over the exam periods than at most other times during the year.
Author: Busisiwe Hoho
When the control panels inside the Sugarloaf sub-station building blew up, the transformers took too much heat and were badly damaged.
Starving people do not just need food. They need the right nutrients to maintain and promote good health. Food aid can help prevent starvation but if it is not nutritionally balanced it could also contribute to chronic diseases and premature death.
THE American Dietetic Association (ADA) has released an updated position on vegetarian diets that concludes that if well-managed, eating plans can be beneficial to adults, children, adolescents and infants and can help prevent and treat chronic diseases including heart disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes.
“Most of the meals given to the kids do not have all the necessary food groups," says a local registered dietician.
Being an avid reader, I was interested in reading Long Walk to Freedom when it first came out years ago, but I was quickly stopped inmy tracks when someone advised me not to, saying they had found it quite boring, long-winded and a total waste of time.
On Sunday 17 January I completed one of my biggest challenges as I crossed the finish line of the half Ironman, made up of a 1.9km sea swim, 90km cycle and 21km run.
With the sun rising over the sea, 2 000 athletes gathered at Orient Beach, East London, doing last minute checks to bicycles and transition bags.
The Makana Local Football Association Metropolitan league soccer matches took place as scheduled this past weekend, while a number of Cacadu matches were postponed.
The annual Pepper Grove Pick n Pay Inter company Night bowls league started on the Grahamstown Bowling clubs last night, with the action taking place under flood lights.