By Staff Reporter
Holy Cross ended the term with a fun-filled, coordination-based sports day on Wednesday, 20 March. Parents, learners and staff were there to celebrate the ups and downs of tyre chasing, potato balancing, bean bag throwing and relay events.
According to the school’s principal, Nicci Hayes, the day helps learners develop foundational skills needed for several sports. She adds that it is also an opportunity for older learners to support and assist the Foundation Phase learners. “The day was very successful. It was thoroughly enjoyed by children, parents and staff members.”
“It’s wonderful to see our children having fun while furthering their development. It was a lovely way to round off the term. While the little ones were engaged on the field, the grade 6s were practising their entrepreneurship by cooking for, and running the tuckshop,” said Hayes.
“The highlight, though, for me, was watching the Grade 5s coach the Grade R and Grade 1 children on potato and spoon techniques and help them get tied into their sacks – a priceless view into the caring souls that so often get masked on the playground and in the classroom.”