Adventure of Who,

Family theatre,

Victoria Theatre,

June 22- 30,


By Khanyisa Khenese

An award-winning production, Adventure of Who, directed by Aaron Mcilroy and written and performed by Kaylee Mcilroy is a thought provoking and engaging show that navigates the journey of life.

Kalyee playing the character of being a child in adventure of who. Photo: Khanyisa Khenese

It also explores fantasy, childhood intrigue and mythical landscapes. 

In the show, a child, played by Kaylee, goes to a forest to discover her name. 

In the forest the child meets an intruder that tells her that she needs to find a friend that is going to help her along her way. 

Kayle playing both the characters of being a child and twin sitting outside their house in the forest and drinking tea. Photo: Khanyisa Khenese

The child soon finds a friend who becomes her twin and the two embark on a journey and discovery and adventure filled with all the frills and spills of childhood shenanigans. 

Taking place on different planes and in different scenarios The Adventure of Who is a fun and whimsical experience that all audiences are sure to enjoy. 

Filled with teachings of life lessons and quirky in its approach Adventure of Who answers many questions of who a person is and what makes them, them.  


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