The Bizarre Magic of Li Lau

Glennie Hall

Illusion and Magic

June 26 – 30 


By Migcobo Majali

Expert magician Li Lau performs on stage like never seen before and is the personification of magic but with a twist in his latest show The Bizarre Magic of Li Lau

Magician Li Lou, breaking the barriers between perception and reality through mystical magic. Photo: Migcobo Majali

Mixing unconventional magic methods, the trickster leaves his crowd wondering whether his abilities are supernatural or psychological. 

Stepping into Lau’s magic show, the ambience sets the tone for an otherworldly experience. The atmosphere is filled with mystery, dimly lit in red and blue lights enhanced by the eerie sounds that play before the magician takes centre stage. 

What do the cards say about the past and the present have in store for audience member and what does the future look like? Photo: Migcobo Majali

Each slight of hand leaves the audience in awe and wonder of what will come next. Lau’s set involves mind reading, tarot, voodoo and summoning the spirits of those laid to rest. The audience is left aghast at the sorcery that unfolds before them. While Lau himself clarifies that it is all psychological trickery, you still cannot help but wonder whether Lau possesses supernatural powers. 

Beyond the entertainment, Lau’s show serves as an educational medium, teaching the audience about spirituality and delving into the history of what we know as supernatural. While he provides the logical disclaimer that he does not have any mystical powers, through the experience of the unfolding magic, all logical reasoning ability dissipates. 

Lau’s show is not only entertaining, it is a thrilling experience that educates people. It is bizarre and causes the audience to question their own perceptions of what is real and what is not. A great watch for audiences who enjoy mystery and all things unknown.


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