Prepare your appetite for red-blooded hilarity


Victoria Theatre,

June 23 – 29,


By Siliziwe Mahambehlala

Written and directed by Craig Freimond, A Vegan Killed My Marriage is a one-man show that delves into Aaron Mcilroy’s personal journey as he transitions from a man who was once obsessed with meat to a vegan. The production takes the audience through the experiences and challenges he faced in his transition.

Mcilroy presents his journey with wit and humour, while showcasing his ability to make the audience laugh through physical gestures. Throughout the show, he candidly mentions the disagreements he has had with his wife over their different lifestyles, with him being a vegan and his wife an avid meat eater. His depiction of constantly coming across meat in his house proves to be comedic gold. 

The pivotal moment arrives when Mcilroy outlines the decision his wife and he came to, when they agreed to get a divorce. This decision was made following their recurring disputes regarding veganism. While moving into his own place would seem to be the perfect way to enjoy his vegan lifestyle, Mcilroy discovered that he was not happy; he missed his wife and he missed his home. He eventually decided to contact her, which consequently led to a reunion between the two. 

When watching, brace yourself to witness a compelling blend of captivating storytelling, humour and a drop of advocacy for veganism.


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