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Friday, 12 & Saturday, 13 April
Table Too: Lebanese Evening
A delicious spread of Lebanese food including Mini Lamb Mince pizzas with allspice, cinnamon, cumin & chilli, Red Lentil & Tomato soup with coriander yoghurt, Slow-roasted Chicken with lemon thyme, allspice, cinnamon in a muscadel, grape & almond sauce, Megadarra (spiced lentil and rice with caramelised onions), Sumac salad with tomatoes, red pepper, cucumber, red onion & mint, Baklava with cream
Vegetarian option: Stuffed Butternut with red kidney beans, butterbeans, feta and hazelnuts.
@ 16 Donkin Street
19:30 for 20:00
Contact: 0826718558 / 0839602366
Friday, 12 & Saturday, 13 April
Sunshine Carnival
Funfair rides, suitable for all ages, Market featuring local vendors food and crafts. Family activities and live performances.
@ Hospital Cricket Field, R72, Port Alfred
10:00 – 22:00
Contact: Hyman van Zyl on +27 73 897 9179 |
Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
Contact Sheila Hicks: 083 442 3322
R15 non-members | R10 members
Thursday Pool Competition
@ SSS Top Bar, 19b New Street
18:30 – 19:00
Contact: Mike Theron on 082 477 3689
Free entry
First Thursday
A night of Jazz music, poetry reading by Dan Wylie and open mic night. Food will be available for sale.
@ Red Cafè, 127a High Street
For more info, contact Lou on 0832951982
Free entry
5km run or walk
Dogs on leads are welcome
@ The Bot Gardens, Lucas Avenue
07:45 for 08:00
Register online:
Free entry
Food4Futures Ribbon Cutting
Food4Futures is moving home. We invite you to join us for a ribbon-cutting ceremony and our 6th birthday Party. Tea, Coffee, and eats will be provided.
@ 33 New Street
Free entry
Aerobics for Charity
To raise toiletry funds for needy learners under the Sophumelela Youth Development Programme. Donations such as toothpaste, skin moisturizer, black shoe polish, and roll-ons are welcome.
@ Indoor Sport Centre, Ext 6, Joza
Contact: 0766999909
Price: R20
Red Rent Party
African Melody Remedies with live performances.
@ Red Cafè, 127a High Street
R50 entry fee
Hiking with Makhanda Wild Hikers Crew
Join us for a local hike in Makhanda, for a distance of 5km – 8km.
@ Drostdy Arch, Somerset Street (meeting point)
Contact Malwande on 074 733 7712
Free entry
Texas Holdem Poker
The only legal game in town
@ SSS, 19b New Street
17:30 for 18:00
R50 buy-in | 1 x R50 top-up allowed
A series of Talks about different aspects of starting or growing your own business – from the informal industry to commercial enterprises with Rhodes Business School.
@ RUCE 5 Prince Alfred Street
17:00 – 19:00
Contact: Thandiwe
Karaoke Night
Sing your heart out.
@ SSS, 19b New Street
20:30 for 21:00
Free entry
Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
Contact Sheila Hicks: 083 442 3322
R15 non-members | R10 members
Thursday Pool Competition
@ SSS Top Bar, 19b New Street
18:30 – 19:00
Contact: Mike Theron on 082 477 3689
Free entry
Saturday, 13 April – Makhanda Wild Hikers Crew visit Kologha Forests. Join us for a hike and sleepover at The Manderson Hotel in Stutterheim. Hiking will take place at the Kologha Forests and promises to be an adventure to remember. On return, we plan to visit Hogsback and have a mini hike to 69 Step Waterfall with lunch at Away with the Fairies. @ depart from the Rhodes Drosdty Arch at 6:00. WhatsApp Melumzi 0812494979. A fee of R1200 covers return transport, accommodation, dinner, and breakfast.
Saturday, 13 April – NYDA Street Market. The National Youth Development Agency in the Eastern Cape will be hosting a Street Market in Makanda. One of the key objectives of the NYDA is Economic Participation. Programmes implemented by the NYDA aim to facilitate and provide employment opportunities for youth in order to improve the inclusion of young people in the economy, through increased job creation, entrepreneurship and business support, as well as skills development. The Street Markets therefore presents an opportunity for young entrepreneurs who have start-ups to showcase their businesses, products and services. The Street Markets will assist in ensuring that the local community is aware of the type of services that are at their disposal but also assist in cultivating a spirit of entrepreneurship amongst the youth in the communities. @ Church Square. Contact Yandisa Jubase on 063 213 3551 or
Tuesday, 16 April – SPCA Glow walk/fun run. Bring the whole family (dogs on leads are welcome) and join the Glow Walk/Fun Run, in aid of SPCA Grahamstown. Either 1.5 km or 4.5 km distances to suit all fitness levels. Prizes for 1st, 2nd place runner, best dressed family & best dressed individual. Food, drinks & refreshments will be sold at the event: Cooldrinks/Water/Bar Available (cash/card). @ Grahamstown Bowling Club African Street at 17:30. For bookings & enquiries contact Benita 076 878 0137, tickets available at Hoof & Hound, SPCA Charity shop (from 5 April) or at the event (from 16:30). Price: Family R35 | Individuals R20.
Thursday, 18 April – WESSA AGM. For many years the local branch of WESSA has been making a not insignificant contribution to public awareness of ecological issues in our region. This has been done through the organisation of public lectures, outings and more extensive trips into the surrounding countryside. Spearheaded by the drive of Prof. Roy Lubke, the Branch has been responsible for the production of two iconic publications: A Field Guide to the Eastern and Southern Cape Coasts and a Guide to the Natural and Cultural History of Grahamstown/Makhanda. The average age of the committee, though they attempt to overlook this awkward fact, is closer to 100 than it is to 20! They can no longer claim to be as representative of modern trends as they once might have been and they do not reflect society, socially or academically, as well as would make them a relevant force in the community. What is needed is the contribution of individuals who really have the interests of our society and Nature at heart and who are willing to work for public awareness of the issues that determine the long-term well-being of us all. Your opportunity to get involved in this work is near at hand. Prof. Dennis Hughes will deliver the keynote address “Feast or famine: Dealing with Hydrological Variability for improved Water Security. @ Graemian Centre, Graeme College at 18:30.
Friday, 19 – Monday, 22 April – Makana Freedom Festival. Come and join us for some food, poetry, music, sports, arts and crafts. @ Egazini Battlefield, Albert Road.
Saturday, 27 April – Freedom Day Market. It’s a fundraiser event, organized by Undlelazimhlophe Sustainable Community Development NPO. It’s open to local artists crafters, and food establishments. It’s going to be a chilled, relaxed, picnic vibe. Aimed to offer a family-oriented environment. @ Botanical Gardens at 09:00 – 15:00. Contact Ntuthu Blow; 076 679 7034: R50 a stall.
Wednesday, 1 May – May Day Market at Curated Chaos. Vintage, Thrift, Retro, handmade and home baked good on offer. @ 16 Cross Street at 9:00 – 14:00. Contact Robyn on 0823063807.
Saturday, 4 May – High Tea. St Patrick’s Catholic Church hosting a High Tea. @ 47 High Street next to the Library at 14:00. Contact: Frances Hutton on 060 444 2372. Price R150pp.
Sunday, 5 May – Music Concert. Sunday afternoon – weekend wind-down! The Kingswood College Concert Band will be entertaining guests with a light-hearted repertoire of music. Tickets available at the door or by pre-booking via email ( @ Commemoration Methodist Church, 43 High Street at 15:00. Booking/ Contact Details: Tickets (R50 – adults; R20 – pensioners/scholars) available at door.
Saturday, 18 May – Carinus Annual Art Auction. Theme: Make it, Break it, Recreate It! Cocktail party with designer food & complimentary drink. A fun event with a quirky interior. @ 84 Beaufort Street. For enquiries contact 046 6224543. Cost: R160pp.
Thursday, 30 May – Shine On! An evening of beautiful musical performances by AMP Orchestra, Kingswood Music School, and Rhodes Music Department. Buy your tickets at Food4Futures, The Red Cafe, Jacques’ Artisan Bread, Grahamstown Properties, or online at @ 1820 Settlers Monument, Fountain Foyer at 18:00 – 20:00. R100 per ticket.
Every Saturday
Grahamstown Feral Cat Project
We now have our bookshop where you can browse a small but nice selection of preloved books. All monies raised will go towards sterilizing feral cats and the costs of rescuing abandoned adults or kittens in foster care. All donations will be gratefully accepted and can be dropped at the shop.
@ CES building, next door to Nic’s nest at 65 African Street
09:00 – 12:00
Bernadette Emslie (073 277 0577)
R10 upwards per book (Cash only)
Mondays – Saturdays
Smash’s Burgers
“Craving a burger made with love? Look no further than OMG Smash’d in Makhanda.”
@ 11b New Street
WhatsApp 0614163650 |
R35 Original | R50 Double Smash | R65 Triple Smash