By Jackie Clausen 

Kingswood College Bridging Year students are taking part in Wildlife relocation at Kwandwe Private Game Reserve, which forms part of their Nature Conservation skills. The reserve is expanding and needs to relocate a herd of Blue Wildebeest and Golden Wildebeest.

Kingswood College Head of Gap Year students Qhawe Nogoduka, Michael van Staden and David le Roux help Kwandwe private Game reserve's Craig Sholt-Douglas to relocate darted Wildebeest on the reserve. Picture: Jackie ClausenKingswood College Head of Gap Year students Qhawe Nogoduka, Michael van Staden and David le Roux help Kwandwe private Game reserve's Craig Sholt-Douglas to relocate darted Wildebeest on the reserve. Photo: Jackie Clausen
Kingswood College Head of Gap Year students Qhawe Nogoduka, Michael van Staden and David le Roux help Kwandwe Private Game Reserve’s Craig Sholt-Douglas to relocate darted Wildebeest on the reserve. Photo: Jackie Clausen

As part of the Bridging year at Kingswood College, the students not only focus on their academics, but they also learn new skills like welding, cooking, deep sea fishing, and car maintenance. The bridging year students also take part in Community engagement and Nature Conservation.

Kingswood College gap year student Qhawe Nogoduka, Michael van Staden and David le Roux help Kwandwe private Game reserve relocate wildebeest on the Photo: Jackie Clausen

The Wildebeest was darted by helicopter, and then the students had to run through the bush and capture the drowsy animals and lead them or carry them back to a bakkie and trailer for relocation. They helped safely relocate 15 Wildebeest during the operation.

Kingswood College Head of Gap students help Kwandwe private Game reserve to relocate darted Wildebeest on the reserve.
Photo: Jackie Clausen

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