Stay in the loop with the latest and join the MEW WhatsApp group!
Professor Roy shares his presentation about the Red Sea. As a waterway dense with history and myth, and equally dense with shipping from the time of the Pharaohs to the present, the Red Sea has held a particular fascination for everyone from archaeologists to fishermen and all who “go down to the sea in ships”, as the psalmist says.
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
10:00 – 11:00
R5 entry
All Welcome
Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
Contact Sheila Hicks: 083 442 3322
R15 non-members | R10 members
Thursday Pool Competition
@ SSS Top Bar, 19b New Street
18:30 – 19:00
Contact Mike Theron: 082 477 3689
Live Music at The Pothole and Donkey
String Meastros – Guitar/Violin Duo, performing well-known hits from rock n roll and Latin American.
@ Pothole and Donkey, 123 Hight Street
19:00 -21:00
Contact: 046 622 2324
Free Entry

Live Music at SSS
Greg Short performs live.
@ SSS Top Bar, 19b New Street
Contact Mike Theron: 082 477 3689
Free Entry

5km run or walk
Dogs on leads are welcome.
@The Bot Gardens, Lucas Avenue
Register online:
07:45 for 08:00
Free Entry
Makhanda Wild Hikers Crew
5km – 7km local hike according to groups fitness level
@ Drosdty Arch, Somerset Street meeting point
Contact Malwande on 074 733 7712
Free Entry

90’s Karaoke
Sing your heart out
@ SSS Top Bar, 19b New Street
Free Entry

Farmers Market
This weekly market will sell organic (aquaponic & soil grown) vegetables and other artisanal and sustainable goods.
Weather permitting
@ LA Café (Provost), Lucas Avenue
09:00 – 14:00 (maybe earlier depending on turnout)

Texas Holdem Poker
The only legal game in town
@ SSS, 19b New Street
17:30 for 18:00
R50 buy-in | 1 x R50 top-up allowed
Pub Quiz
(There will be no Pub Quiz till 18 July)
Sing your heart out
@ SSS, 19b New Street
20:30 for 21:00
Free entry

@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
10:00 – 11:00
R5 entry
Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
Contact Sheila Hicks: 0834423322
R15 non-members/ R10 members
Thursday Pool Competition
@ SSS Top Bar, 19b New Street
18:30 – 19:00
Contact Mike Theron: 082 477 3689
Saturday, 15 July – Line Dancing. Frankie from Dance With will host an hour of fun line dancing followed by gourmet chorizo hotdogs for lunch. Prize for best-dressed line dancer. @ Fork & Dagger, 49 African Street. 12:00. Booking is essential as limited tickets are available. Contact: 082 801 2385 or 046 622 3112. R130 per person.

Tuesday, 18 July – Prestige School of Dance mid-year Enrollment. Prestige School of Dance is taking new enrolments for Terms 3 & 4. Ballet, Tap, Hip-Hop, and Contemporary dance training for all experience levels. @ Princess Alice Hall. contact Nicole on 082 365 5526 or

Tuesday, 08 August – Couples Tango & Salsa. Frankie from Dance With is giving couples a tango and salsa dance lesson. @ Fork & Dagger, 49 African Street. The dance lesson starts @ 18:00 followed by social and tapas @ 19:15. Contact: 082 801 2385 or 046 622 3112. Booking essential. R300.00 per couple (includes Dance Lesson & Tapas) | R110.00 per person (tapas only and social dance)

Food4Futures Clothing Drive – 67 Blankets and shoes for Mandela Day
The drive will run until 18 July.
For blanket donations: please bring your blankets, old or new, to donate at Food 4 Futures premises @ 2 Dundas Street or for R100. You can sponsor a blanket for someone in need this winter.
For shoe Donations, please donate warm, practical “walking shoes” and boots for the men and women in our community who rely on walking, no matter what the weather. Or for R200 you can sponsor a pair of shoes for someone in need this winter.
Donations via EFT can be made to: First National Bank Grahamstown.
Branch Code: 210717
Account Name: Food4Futures
Account Number: 62901533316
With the reference: “Your Name+ Blanket.” or “Your Name+ Shoes.”

Food for Futures Clothing Drive
As winter approaches and the cold encroaches, there are those in dire need of clothing, shoes and bedding. Drop off at 2 Dundas Street, 09:00 – 12:00 on weekdays or contact us at 083 651 0067 to make a plan to collect.
If you would like to donate R100 towards a blanket, please EFT your donation to:
First National Bank Grahamstown
Branch Code: 210717
Account Name: Food4Futures
Account Number: 62901533316
With the reference: “Your name/Anon + Blanket.”
Every flicker of warmth makes a world of difference.

Grahamstown Veterinary Clinic – R67 for Mandela Day
– Grahamstown Dog Fund – Turn Mandela Day into Mandela Month! Please Support us this Mandela Day/Month by contributing a much-needed R67 to our Grahamstown Dog Fund to help us continue with our welfare work. We aim to sterilize as many dogs as possible within our community to help with population control.
Please contact Marius Crouse of Mr. Dog, on 083 409 5566 if you would like to assist with a bag of food. He has 1kg zip lock bags at R15 each.
Mr. Dog food prices: 10kg – R150 | 20kg – R290 | 25kg – R360
– Grahamstown Feral Cat Project – R67 for Mandela Day
OR purchase and drop off kitten food and kitty litter:@ 18 Park Road, Grahamstown Veterinary Clinic; @ Hoof and Hound – Peppergrove Mall; @ 31 High Street, Suzi-Q
-Grahamstown Donkey Medical Fund – R67 for Mandela
Support the Grahamstown Donkey Medical Fund but donating R67
–Grahamstown WildLife Fund – R67 for Mandela Day
Support the Grahamstown WildLife Medical Fund but donating R67
Our banking details for R67 donations:
Grahamstown Veterinary Clinic
Standard Bank
Account Number: 282625054
Account Type: Cheque Account
Branch Code: 050917
Reference: Dog Fund + Your Surname OR W/CAT + Surname OR GDMF + Surname OR WILDLIFE FUND + Surname (Use the reference for the project you wish to support)
Proof of payment to: Rochelle Fourie

For Poster designing services, contact Aphiwe on 067 388 9951.