A big shout-out to MEW for these listings.
Friday 17 March
F&D St Patrick’s Day Pub Grub Special
Join them for some good old Irish food and drinks
Choices between two delicious styles of bangers & mash/ vegan Irish stew
Irish-themed drinks/ cocktails
@The Fork & Dagger, 49 African Street
Booking essential: 082 801 2385

Thurs 30 March – Sun 2 April 2023
Bathurst Agricultural Show
Where Town and Country Meet
@ The Showgrounds, Bathurst
Stock section: cows, sheep, goats, pigs & chickens
Horse show with jumping and show horses
Lots of stands and stalls
Candy floss and face painting
Competitions for Junior art, photography, adult art, crafts, sewing, baking etc.
Live music, including Graeme college steel band and St Andrews marimba band
Lawn mower race, security dog display, and formation riding
08:00 daily
Full programme available nearer the time
063 685 5117 for enquiries and stand / stall bookings
Adults: R75 | Pensioners/ Scholars: R50 | Under 5yrs: free

Talk: The Institution of the Eucharist (Part2) by Torquil Paterson
A scholarly analysis of the eucharist
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
10:00 – 11:00
R5 entry
All welcome
Public Hearing on Copyright Amendment Bill and Performance Protection Amendment Billeted
Stakeholder engagement for these bills
Key people to attend are artists, performers, artists and writers
@ Makhanda Town Hall, High Street
10:00 – 13:00
Free Entry

Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
All welcome
Contact Sheila Hicks: 0834423322
R15 non-members/ R10 members
Restaurant Opening: Nic’s Nest
Treat your tastebuds
Come try out our menu
Sisa Mapetu is a resident barista – the famous Sisa is back!
@ Nic’s Nest, 65 African Street
07:00 – 18:00
Follow nic’s nest on Facebook via https://bit.ly/nicsnest
Nic’s Nest 041 010 0435 or Nico 078 954 3724

Live Music with String Maestros
Instrumental (violin/guitar) and vocal (voice/guitar)
Latin American, Rock, and Pop covers
@ Pothole & Donkey, 123 High Street
18:00 for 19:00
Drink Specials
Free Entry

Get Lucky with St Paddies
DJ lineup: Mr Doo and Dj Hartjies
Drink specials
Prize give away
Free Blom’s Entertainment merch giveaway
@ Rat and Parrot, 59 New Street
21:30 – 02:00
Booking/ Contact Details:
Richard Blom on 071 053 0661
Free entry before 21h00 |R10 before 22h00 | R20 after 22h00

5km run or walk
Dogs on leads are welcome.
@The Bot Gardens, Lucas Avenue
Register online: https://www.parkrun.co.za/register/
07:45 for 08:00
Free Entry
Live Music @ SSS
Live band. Jam session. Open mic. Poems.
@ SSS, 19b New Street
19:00 – 21:00
Booking/ Contact Details:
063 967 8788
Free entry

Farmers Market
This weekly market will sell organic (aquaponic & soil grown) vegetables and other artisanal and sustainable goods.
Weather permitting
@ LA Café (Provost), Lucas Avenue
09:00 – 14:00 (may close at 13:00 depending on turnout)

Hymns performed by a professional choir
The Cathedral of St Michael & St George, High Street
All welcome
Free Entry

Texas Holdem Poker
The only legal game in town
@ SSS, 19b New Street
17:30 for 18:00
R50 buy-in | 1 x R50 top-up allowed
Tuesday Pool Competition
Cool prizes and vouchers to be won
@ Champs Action Bar, Scott’s Avenue
Registration: 18:00
Compo starts: 19:00
Competition Entry Fee: R20/ person.

Pub Quiz
Join us for a fun evening of trivia.
@The Rat & Parrot, 59 New Street
Table bookings 046 622 5002

Pentafusion: Journey
A musical journey for violin, flute & jazz trio
Presented by the Makana Society of Music (MSM)
Performed by Lieva Starker (violin), Stacey van Schalkwyk (flute), Brendan Yendall (drums), Virgil Matrass (piano), & Yashin Naidoo (bass)
@Beethoven Room, Rhodes University, Somerset Street
Tickets available at the door
Adults: R100 |Pensioners: R80 |Tertiary Students: R50 | Schoolgoers/ MSM ticket holders: Free

Sing your heart out with Michelle
@ SSS, 19b New Street
20:30 for 21:00
Free entry

Professor Roddy Fox is expected to give a fascinating talk
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
10:00 – 11:00
R5 entry
All welcome
Grahamstown Bridge Club
@ Grahamstown Bowling Club, African Street
13:15 for 13:30
All welcome
Sheila Hicks: 0834423322
R15 non-members/ R10 members
The Sound of Masks Documentary Screening
A visually stunning documentary film about an ancient dance,
a revolutionary about to be evicted from his home,
and how he uses dance to tell the history of Mozambique
@ Amazwi Literary Museum
Time: 2pm-4pm
Please book by filling in the form https://forms.gle/5XRaRkzPR1pZ2L296
Entry: FREE

Saturday, 25 March – Schools Chess Tournament. Hosted by Sewelo Chess Academy & the Eastern Cape Department of Education @ Nombulelo Secondary School Hall, Joza. 09:00. Bookings: Coach Jerry. 063 889 5990. Free Entry

Wednesday, 29 March – Albany Club Steak Evening. 250g Rump steak: R 100.00 | 500g Rump Steak: R 140.00. Both are served with potato bake and a side salad. Drink specials. 18:00 – 23:30 @ The Albany Club, 114 High Street. Booking essential: Sandi 062 736 3922

Thurs 30th March – WESSA Makhanda Branch talk. “Colours of Canada 2022”. A presentation by Roy Lubke describing the species of trees, shrubs and herbs and the autumn beauty of southwest Ontario @ Hill Street Manor, 49 Hill Street. 19:30. All welcome. Free entry.

Saturday, 1 April -Potjiekos Competition and Kids’ Carnival. Hosted by the Rotary Club of Grahamstown, Great prizes for Best Potjie, Best Vegetarian Potjie, Best Kid’s Potjie, and many other spot prizes. Many family and kid-friendly activities include races, Easter egg hunts and face painting.

@ The Graemian Centre, Graeme College. 10:00. Winning potjiekos for dinner from 16:00.
Saturday, 15 April – Rotary Bargain Hunters’ Sale. Bargains galore @ The Drill Hall, Hill Street. 09:00 – 13:00. Luvuyo 073 961 0577. Luvuyo.mvaphantsi@gmail.com. Free entry.

The Rotary Club of Grahamstown seeks donations of clothing, jumble, tools, hardware, music, books, magazines, household items, bric-a-brac, etc. Contact Luvuyo at 073 961 0577 or email luvuyo.mvaphantsi@gmail.com to arrange collection or to get drop-off details.