Jim Cambray recorded 52.6mm of rain for the week of 8-14 December in Park Road, while Paul Maylam reported 49.6mm at his station in Cathcart Street.
“Finally, some good rains and more to come. The wonderful sound and light shows delivered most of the weekly rainfall,” Cambray said.
Temperatures ranged from 11 to 36.5C for the week.
Cambray registered 22.4mm for the week of 1-7 December 2022, bringing his total to 75mm for the month.
Norwegian forecaster Yr (www.yr.no) predicts almost 60mm for the city over the weekend (16-18 December), while Accuweather (www.accuweather.com) anticipates a more conservative total of 35mm.
Either way, we are in for a good soaking.