By SHANNON SKAE, health and life coach at Revive with Shan 

The environment, as we know, is directly linked to the health and safety of all humans on the planet. Without a healthy and flourishing environment, there is an increase in sickness and disease, famines from droughts, and extreme weather patterns. There are also high levels of pollution and deforestation. These are all detrimental to the human population.

So what can we do in our small way to impact the environment positively? 

  • Walk as much as you can and leave your car at home. 
  • Shop online – especially if the brand is eco-friendly. 
  • Reduce food waste, and have a compost heap in your garden. 
  • Use herbs and veggies from your own garden or shop for organic products.
  • Try not to pack your fruit and veggies in plastic when you buy from the shops. 
  • Re-use your coffee mug or buy a cup that you can take with you to get your takeaway coffee. 
  • Eat more veggies, fruit, and less meat (meat releases many greenhouse gas emissions).
  • Cut back on dairy (this also dramatically impacts the environment).
  • Bring your bags to the shops and avoid buying shopping bags.
  • Try to minimize the time in the shower. 
  • Reduce the amount of paper you print and keep everything virtual or online. 
  • Turn off electricity when not in use. 
  • Try to use fewer chemicals like fluorescent light bulbs, cleaning products, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, automotive fluids, and paint—be sure you dispose of them properly.
  • Plant trees wherever you can, or ensure your garden has many trees. 
  • Buy a bicycle and cycle as much as you can (Grahamstown has lots of hills, and it’s good exercise).
  • Volunteer to help clean up rubbish in the community.  
  • Donate to environmental apps.
  • Educate yourself on how to help save the environment. 

Any small bit helps – if we do our small part for the environment, we will eventually have a significant impact. Remember, “small hinges swing big doors”. 

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